I can’t recall any other exceptions besides Orpal.
It may well be easier to code the way you’re conceptualizing it, but I encourage you to keep the more generalized rules in mind even if they don’t translate directly to code, because they might help you spot potential tricky behaviors in other scenarios earlier in the development process. You can always check/ask for specific rulings once you’ve identified a potential point of confusion, before implementing the associated code.
It would be an interesting nerf to Vandy to specifically allow her maxband to be used by the active player. Unlike the cursed ghoul and stomper cases, Vandy’s maxband ability could thematically be understood as a daemonic force that could be difficult to control.
Hi all, can someone please validate, that summoning sickness takes priority over gargoyles effect to be able to attack after paying 1g?
The rules text is a bit misleading and I didn’t find a reference in this thread, even though there already is a ton of postings about gargoyle.
“Gargoyle’s activated ability that lets it attack and patrol and abilities that stop Gargoyle specifically from attacking or patrolling are applied in the order of their creation to find out if the Gargoyle can attack or patrol.”
It does, yes. With respect to the ruling, arrival fatigue isn’t an ability. I agree the rules are more confusing here than they could be: haste allows both attacking and exhausting on the arrival turn, so this would imply the Gargoyle could attack when it can’t exhaust.
Firstly, I’m not sure what this is really referring to. The example discussed involved Flagstone Spy. So, maybe I’m not understanding this right. What are these faster triggers and why are they faster?
But if I am, then those kinds of triggers would be as fast as state based actions? In which case:
Patriot Gryphon would presumably also trigger on the speed of a state-based-action, and maybe not deal damage to the base?
I would much prefer @zhavier to be correct here, with Patriot Gryphon triggering a normal queue’d effect.
The flagstone spy example is this: If flagstone Spy has overpower, how does the following resolve: Flagstone spy attacks the scavenger and overpowers to damage the base. Is the scavenger gold resolved before the spy steal gold trigger?
Also, there are 3 speeds of abilities, under the framework punf and sharpo established. State based, fast and regular. Fast exists to handle such things as illusions popping and smoker returning to hand when targeted.
Yeah, I can understand that illusions and smoker happen fast. That makes sense, and those are specifically constrained to a targeting timing so that’s a very contained and consistent issue.
I’m seeing a claim that seems to say that combat damage triggers are also fast, such that flagstone spy’s trigger would also be fast. This is outside of the targeting timing, and it doesn’t replace other behaviour (I think another category of “fast” triggers might be what I called “interrupts”–for example, graveyard or rambasa twins interrupt death). So, this claim of combat triggers being fast is conflicting with my existing categories of situations where triggers need to be fast.
Also: if flagstone spy’s trigger is fast, what makes it different from Gunpoint Taxman such that the taxman could steal scavenged gold and the spy could not? Both have the wording
“whenever [event that could happen when this deals combat damage] … [steal].”
Thats the thing, I don’t think the spies ability is the problem, i think overpower is the problem. The question is, does the steal get queued by the overpower at a different time than it would be queued by just dealing the damage directly. As I undersatnd it, no, overpower queues it exactly the same, and the spy can steal the scav gold, just as easily as the taxman.
Okay, that logic makes sense to me! I get where you’re coming from, and I agree with you.
In the thread sharpobject seemed to consider the spy’s trigger to be fast, but maybe I’m misreading him. Oh, these guys are using the word “ttriggers” willy nilly when it’s actually a very formal concept!!! It’s almost like they’re considering overpower as a kind of fast trigger, which would explain why they’re confused.
Perhaps a more clear wording of the question at hand would be:
Does overpower damage apply (and triggers from that) before the death of the first target of the attack?
If so the queue from this attack would be:
Spy’s on-damaging-a-base trigger
Scavenger’s on-death trigger
Maybe the wording supports this, but in a practical sense the scavenger is killed before the overpower damage would be applied. Imagine the attack as a movie: the spy stampedes, killing some scavenger that briefly blocks him on the way to ransacking the base. In order for the scavenger to not die before the spy starts ransacking we’d have to imagine some delay, like a mortal wound system that consistently delays the moment of death long enough for an attack to be continued.
Furthermore, in implementing overpower in code, I would have to code in a “like as if the thing was dead” version of the state to decide what targets are valid for overpower without actually killing the first target. Possible to do, but pretty annoying, and could lead to timeline-related UI issues if state-based-actions are involved.
The spy discussion also applies to Cursed Crow overpowering a technician to hit a base, same as GPT killing a scavenger parallels Shadow Blade killing a technician.
I agree that Cursed Crow parallels the spy, and should apply equally.
However, the ruling for Shadow Blade is that it does not have a trigger, but instead the conditional part of the card is processed in normal spell timing. The wording of shadow blade looks the same as gunpoint taxman killing a scavenger, but the timing is not parallel. The discard would happen before the technician draw.
This hasn’t been asked before (kind of shocked?) If I have a Graveyard and a Reteller of Truths in play, and one of my illusion units dies, does it go to my hand or the Graveyard? I think the answer is my hand because Reteller talks about “first time” but I think it’s ambiguous enough it’s worth an ask.
I remember this issue being raised and adjudicated as being active player decides, but I’m having trouble finding the ruling. EDIT: Okay, it wasn’t an official ruling, but it was an assertion that went unchallenged by anyone in a part of this thread where sharpobject was actively posting. Makes sense to me, too, Graveyard and Reteller trigger off the same event, if and when Reteller is eligible to trigger at all. And it has been ruled that once a card has been pulled out of the discard by Graveyard or similar, then other such effects will fizzle when they resolve.
I was watching this game, and at several points one of the players triggers Insurance Agent after playing Judgement Day. I didn’t think that was legal, and I thought there was a ruling saying so, but when I went looking for it, I couldn’t find it. Can you claim insurance if your agent died simultaneously with the insurance target? I guess another way of asking the same thing is, can IA insure himself and claim when he dies?