Ranking system for the individual specs

This is great. I am assuming that these cards cause rage when you are on the receiving end rather than when you are trying to use them. Any rage ratings for the starters?

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Since you asked:

Green Starter: 4 rage inducing cards out of 10
Red Starter: 4 rage inducing cards out of 10
Neutral Starter: 4 rage inducing cards out of 10
Black Starter: 4 rage inducing cards out of 10
Blue Starter: 4 rage inducing cards out of 10
White Starter: 3 rage inducing cards out of 10
Purple: 7 rage inducing cards out of 10.


I have edited my post in light of this new information.

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I’m puzzled by this, since we’ve apparently established that “rage-inducing” = “good” (ie. that you are enraged when your opponent does things with that card). Yet purple has struck me as one of the most innocuous of the starter decks. Nullcraft is definitely rage-inducing, without doubt - and both Hardened Mox and Battle Suits can be quite annoying to face, in the right setup. That’s, er, 3 cards out of 10. The rest, although certainly not bad, just seem kind of innocuous. I mean, Fading Argonaut is obviously really good, but it’s never going to enrage your opponent, is it? (Perhaps with Battle Suits, but I’d put the latter card as the more important part of that combination.)

I get much more enraged at things in the White Starter (all 3 of the spells, plus Aged Sensei, possibly Smoker), which you have listed as the least rage-inducing starter for you. And as for Black - it’s hard to think of a single card there that doesn’t have the potential to make you want to hit your opponent in the face if they play it at the wrong time.

Just different opinions, of course (and I’m not saying the White or Black starters are overall better than purple - just that to me they do more in-your-face stuff) :slight_smile:

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Plasmodium – 4/4 haste for 2 sounds disgusting.

Fading Argo – Combat Hero strength starter unit with almost no downside (sometimes even an upside) for 2.

Nullcraft – 1/1 flying haste. Almost always 1 free damage wherever you want it. Probably more if they don’t have a tower because A: it rarely patrols (which matters for a number less expensive non-debuff/buff removal options), B: it cannot be targeted by buff/debuff spells (and a fair amount of removal options are debuff or off uses of buff spells). Also an amazing carrier of NON-spell buff/debuff effects as seen in tech 2 growth/peace.

Hardened Mox – 1/1 which can only be tanked or requires the use of soft removals to remove it from play, not kill it. Also an amazing carrier of buff effects. (peace/growth).

Temporal Research – 2 gold cycle a card. With FA, PAST or certain FUTURE setups card advantage/cycle control.

Battle Suits – 2 gold, buff 3 starter cards and at least ONE of the tech 1 cards from your purple spec from ‘decent tech 1’ to ‘quite good tech 1’ or ‘top quality tech 1’ (4/4 readiness argo for 3, 4/4 glaxx for 3, 3/3 tempo stewardess for 3, 3/1 for 1 seers), and a whole slew of units in other specs as well.

That’s 6/10 starter cards that are good enough to be above average or extremely annoying to face.
I maybe see an argument made for forgotten fighter tempo?
3/2 neoplexus for 2 is also a contender but that is on the premise you battlesuits.