RACE #3: zhavier (Mono Black) vs. Castanietzsche (Mono Blue)

StartingHand Workers

Liberty Gryphon
Spectral Aven
Liberty Gryphon
Building Inspector (1/1)

Lawful Search
Manufactured Truth
Porkhand Magistrate


Overeager Cadet (2/2)
Judgment Day
Tax Collector (2/3+1)
Macciatus the Whisperer (3/3)
Spectral Aven
Building Inspector (1/1)

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Extra Mirror A - ($8)
Liberty Gryphon A, immediately mirrored by Mirror A - ($5)
Extra Mirror B - ($3)
Liberty Gryphon B, immediately mirrored by Mirror B - ($0)
Mirrors and Gryphons deal 20 damage to your base. GG ! :smile_cat:

Wow, thanks for the game !
I was very lucky to grab Reputable Newsman and Injunction exactly the turn I needed them :slight_smile:
I built my Tech II very early to make diversion (I teched for Injunction and Judgment Day) and it worked well because my Tower gave me the little damage I needed T7 on Vandy :smile_cat:

Macciatus is soooo good too, damage bonus is awesome !


@EricF plus stuff

I cannot argue with double liberty gryphon, but lets be honest, it was a pretty likely hand. You certainly played well! GG!

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