Mysticjuicer non-SG videos

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Damn this was a fun squad!

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Here’s another interesting thing that uses some games you’ve done videos for as examples: Building games that can be understood at a glance

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Got to catch up on some of these videos. However, I just smashed through Slay the Spire ascension 3 with Searing Blow +10, lol. It becomes a pretty good card at that point.

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A quick amuse bouche before I start on the next squad. :slight_smile:

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Extremely tense final fight on Ascension 7 against the Time Eater, which involved extremely careful deck cycling to activate Pen Nib for the finishing blow. :open_mouth: The deck dunked on the rest of the run pretty handily, using Fiend Fire+ to alpha-strike single targets down after I got a hand of ten cards with Evolve+.

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Did some learning with the Silent, because I’m very bad with that class.


Some more Slay the Spire. This time with a friend!

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These videos convinced me to pick up Slay the Spire now it’s on GOG, good job!


Eyyy nice! Enjoy! It’s a lot of fun!

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Finally got a Heart kill today! Silent, Ascension 8. Storm of Steel is a card I’ve struggled to justify taking before, but Dead Branch and Shuriken let it quickly get out of control. I took 2 damage on the Heart.

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