Inconsistent Design Issue w/ +1/+1 Runes

Well perhaps that is true. I mean certainly there were some intentional patterns. And it seems strange to go out of your way to prevent certain interactions but allow others. While this does add to some of the ‘discovery’ aspect of the game, I think it really hurts the modularity of the system. “Things work this way except on this one card” is fine for something special like a tech III unit. I think it’s awesome that Cinderblast Dragon or Guarguam can utilize spells despite being units, for instance. However on basic spells or effects this makes the system seem more muddled to me. There are extra things to remember - it works this way except when it doesn’t!

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I am sorry then, i just misunderstood your starting point.
Once upon a bad time we had people that would start threads like "God this [insert a game or card name] is so stupid! i would have made this game so much better!"
And i was really afraid we were again in that spot.
As conversation, the most op interaction imho is with graveyard/mirrors/crashbarrows.
I feel so frustrated when my opponent makes a play like.
I max quince, second mirror! Crasbarrow+ mirrorbarrow! first 2 kill ur patrollers.
Graveyard rises just dead crashbarrow, second mirror does as his older bro. rebornbarrow and second mirrorbarrow kill u! gg.
Makes me wanna cry!!! :’(
Imo try playing PPA or just [prple]/peace.
I agree, mox is great with with Boot camp, but at the same time, you lose a tech card.
Yes, Bc makes you draw, but is a starter deck card. While the opponent can have teched much worse stuff than BC. Like the bone collector 3/3 that u do not want to become 4/4 just for sideining him. also my fav combo is the ercicf’s special (sarges and garrisons, all runes on nullcrafct for a 1 hit kill)

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Blooming Elm has some synergies with Verdant Tree tho, right?

how?!? damn char limit

On the subject of Blooming Elm, @Jadiel hit me pretty hard with it in combo with Blooming Ancient in a casual game earlier this month. (I’ve tried to put a link in but what’s coming up instead is a quote of the first few lines of the post, which is not helpful.) I’d felt in a strong position, and then suddenly one of his frogs from the previous turn became a 5/5 with overpower. Even though I was able to kill both the Elm and the Ancient on my following turn, the damage was done and that was effectively GG.

So I don’t see Blooming Elm as weak - unlike a lot of buildings with exhaust abilities, it has a pretty major impact the turn it arrives provided you have +1/+1 runes on your units, or a way of dishing them out that same turn. For which of course Blooming Ancient is the perfect in-spec combo.

On the wider subject, I agree with @Legion (and others) - I don’t see any balance issues (although I’m much too weak a player to really comment on that), nor any real inconsistency. Every card in this game is unique (excepting certain starter cards like Bloom/Forest’s Favour or Mad Man/Timely Messenger), and I think you’re seeing patterns which aren’t really there.


Well, we don’t agree. There are many cycles of similarly statted units and heroes and these patterns were probably necessary to produce such a balanced end product. Many heroes are 2/3 for 2 and heal at level 3 or 4, for example. There are also several “cycles” of 1 gold 2/2s, 2 gold 3/3s, and 3 gold 3/4s. Starter decks have the most similarities between cards as they must all adhere to a flat power curve (though standout cards exist, they require other cards to be really good).

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Oh, I completely agree with all of that. I obviously went too far with “every card is unique” and “there aren’t any patterns”.

But it’s one thing to note that most Tech 1s are either “2/2 with a bonus for 1 gold”, “3/3 with a bonus for 2 gold” or “3/4 with a bonus for 3 gold”. That’s quite clearly a major part of the game design. But I think it’s not correct to assume that all cards which give +1/+1 runes to your own units/heroes must fall into a nice pattern. At bottom I see your OP as trying to find such a pattern and then getting frustrated that it doesn’t fit every card. I think it would be more productive to accept that each of these cards (treating FF and Bloom as the same card) is essentially unique - yes you can point out similarities and differences, and that can be quite instructive (certainly it is regarding Drill Sergeant vs Blooming Ancient), but I think it’s quite another thing to suggest there are some kind of global rules surrounding such cards, especially when you have clearly failed to find them :slight_smile:


It isn’t a unit, so when it finishes building, you can tap it? Don’t remember the building rules right now

no u cannot unless it has haste

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I think Neigutten meant that Verdant Tree’s ability would allow Elm to be tapped the turn it’s built, which it can’t do because 1) It only affects tech buildings and 2) it’s ability allows things to instantly build, which all non tech/add-on buildings already do, not instantly tap.


that is what is said/meant, just with more words :stuck_out_tongue:


I think I might have used building cards wrong the whole time then, I have been treating them as addons, that they only take effect in your opponents turn, which makes Garrison a lot stronger than I thought :stuck_out_tongue:


then u must never have played against PPA. as soon the garrison is on, so does the swarm!