Free For Draft Table Talk

@Kaelii since we are the skeleton pals, maybe we should team up? Your Sacrifice the weak with my Hooded Executioner could wreak havoc together… We could rule the world!

Tempting, very tempting.
Who are you currently worried about?

Umm, everyone? I have no idea, I just know people apparently like to kill my things :sob:

Apologies, @Kaelii; I couldn’t take out Drakk to spread the love. Rook and Bigby haven’t hurt anybunny, and Troq likes what he’s hearing about this anti-violence proposal.
Now that Vandy’s gone, Troq will totally be allies with Sets or Cal, though. He doesn’t understand they’re on Vandy’s team.

As long as no one kills any bunnies (I believe @Feathers’ Peter Rabbit is the only one left) and no one hurts Troq, Troq will straight up stop attacking and won’t cast any offensive spells. I’m convinced that’s how his mind works. We’re on the RP server, right? (You hear that @zhavier? “No burn bunnies!”)

Also, I just teched 2x Horselord. Next turn I build Tech II. Turn after is the first turn they have a chance to come out.


Query. What does Troq define as an Offensive spell? :stuck_out_tongue:

Good question!
Wither and Spark. Does he have others?
Oh, hey! The Boot is pretty offensive! That would be decent in this environment wouldn’t it? Yeah, none of that, either.

I’m pretty sure he would consider Wrecking Ball to be part of an honest day’s work at the ol’ construction site, so that’s probably still possible. And Intimidate is definitely not offensive. It’s just making folks ease off.

Oh, and he probably won’t mind too much if you feel you have to hit his base. Just don’t touch the tech or tech lab. He’s got his heart set on horsies.

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Oh I’m an idiot. I workered the wrong thing.
Anyone mind if I switch it with the thing I didn’t worker?

I’m ok with it :stuck_out_tongue:

I admit to being extremely concerned about Final Smash in this environment.

But Troq is peace loving! and that is obviously an offensive spell! It kill skeletons! (wait… that’s not offensive is it???)

No worries, @Kaelii. Go for it.

And @zhavier: I did not tech any Final Smash in my first tech, and my second tech was all Horselords.

That said, while killing a Tech 0 unit seems offensive, it’s theoretically possible that Rook might not know his own strength, and might accidentally shove a little guy a bit too hard while trying to get everybody else in line. But he would feel really bad about it, and would probably attempt to make reparations.

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Troq should know that I have a “take any gold that is not nailed down” policy.


Like I said, base isn’t important. And Troq cares about money, but doesn’t understand it very well. He probably won’t notice if some pirates steal a bit when he’s not looking.

Rook’s usually very peaceful and he still is, but when FREE GOLD is just lying there like that… Rocks sometimes roll around a bit is what I’m saying. Still friends?

And seeing as my bunny went and sacrificed himself for the greater good… Does that mean that Troq is going to adopt permanent pacifism? As for Rook, he won’t hit anyone unless something particularly squishy presented itself.

Technically you should have an EXHAUSTED verdant tree.

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Having seen every unit smaller then a 3/3 die this turn, I’m just gonna stay here in the corner with my indestructible unit. We have no gold. We have no way of getting any gold to give you. Please just leave us alone :sob:. Turns back to working on a time machine

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Also @zhavier as now the important query is: “Can anything be done about that rookery?”

Also @zhavier its your turn, I was so distraught I forgot to tag you :stuck_out_tongue:

@zhavier it would be nice if for once we weren’t in conflict in an FFA game. I’m making a formal peace offer, outstretched olive branch and all. I’d rather both our forces stay intact to deal with whatever Kaelli and Shadow Night has to bring out together.

looks at board, looks at haste options in specs, looks at feathers. What options???

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For cross-deck combos? It’s only a peace offer. And I’m thinking more of your late-game potentials.