Codex Tracking Spreadsheet

Is Zhavier still around? If so, can you explain what the purpose of the far right state boxes are for? (the ones that are labeled patrol, board, and buildings, that seem to get #REF errors, or be a duplicate of the other boxes.)

zhavier hasn’t been active for a little while now, sadly.
The state section holds all the relevant information for the player’s board state, including building health, so I’d think that’s used to generate the forum post. #REF errors will be due to formulas getting accidentally changed: if you look at the formulae involved in those cells, it should be reasonably clear how to fix them.

@charnel_mouse The format of your posts looks pretty good to me and it seems to already have a feature I was looking for (tracking how many cards you should have). Any chance I can get a copy to try to consolidate everyone’s sheet features?

There’s no copy, I write my posts manually. I could set up a post with the format and a brief description of how I use it to avoid common problems, if that would be helpful for scripting.

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Yeah, that could help. I’m not decided on how I would approach it. No rush though, I doubt I would get to this feature for a while.

Experimental Sheet

The main change is a pretty noticeable improvement in speed, especially for mobile actions. Under the hood the code has been refactored to be a lot easier to read and work with. Not planning any changes for now, but feel free to let me know if there’s something you all would like.

@dwarddd you seemed interested in the speed improvment.


Thanks a lot I’m looking forward to benefit from that!

As an idea for a new feature:
One thing that I always wanted to implement but never found the time: a method to save the current state to some extra tab whenever you press a button and the option to copy paste from that extra sheet back into the main sheet. This would basically be an “undo” function as I run way more often than I want into the situation where I clicked on discard/draw while I still had errors in my play or even sometimes I clicked on new game instead of discard/draw (I know, that’s dumb, but it does happen)… I think such an undo function would be great…

That sounds pretty doable but the undo native to sheets should work just as well. I know it sucks with the current sheet, but my changes to improve speed make undo easier too (its faster because i only read once and write once, which also means one or two undos will get you back to your previous state).


Idk if you are using sheets only on phone, but i hope you’re aware of the state history available when using google sheets on PC? And the ability to roll the whole file back to any state in its history?

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99,9% ob mobile, but then I really have to look into that one. Thanks a lot to both of you!

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I wasn’t thinking of mobile, but just tested. Firstly, holy crap it really is a lot faster lol. Secondly, it undid discard/draw completely with one undo.


Experimental Sheet

Fixed 2 bugs

  • Tech building names now displaying correctly
  • No longer weirdly editing itself after you make a change