Think it’s coming down to base race time, I need to draw elite training or rambaster to either deal with the tower or the air support. DS Mad Man DP leaves me room to do either well.
Ok I draw both. Which one is better? Elite training is much more passive, and prone to Prynn or ground pound screwing it up. I think better to press the tower and base, we’ll flood the board and wipe his except for the air. If dwarddd wants to press face I think I can come back and roll that, if he keeps trying to chip the tech1 and DS or Garrison I think I can outlast that too, he’s getting really low on cards…
Mm it was close for a while, but i believe i either die to board or die to lobbers here depending on what i kill with shimmer rays. May as well take a slight bet on lobbers being absent!
Remove resist 1 at midband
Reduce midband stats to 2/3
If you have no units in play, remove all runes from this
Modify text to “Destroy a tech 0 unit, a tech 1 unit, or an upgrade”, change card type from “Spell - Debuff” to “Spell”
Tech StartingHand Workers
Ready or Not
Ready or Not
Fading Argonaut(5/3) Fading 1 (doomed)
Origin Story → swapped out, then redrawn
Assimilate → swapped in
Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox
Time Spiral
Neo Plexus(3/2)
Yesterday’s Golgort
Second Chances
Yesterday’s Golgort
Argonaut(4/4) readiness
Ready or Not
Ready or Not
Origin Story
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float + scav, tech draw - ($12)
Hire Vir - ($10)
swap - ($9)
assimilate garrison - ($6)
Fargo, draw - ($4)
Tower - ($1)
discard 2 for shimmers
shimmer Ray + NC kill drill sargeant
Shimmer Ray kills MSR
My Garrison! I don’t think I’ll quite have lethal this turn and I might still lose the race, but we’ll have to see! Trying to be just threatening enough to survive another turn lol…
Ember Sparks x2
Elite Training, Soul Stone
Elite Training, Firebat
Drill Sergeant, Boot Camp
Dark Pact, Flagstone Garrison
Lobber, Drill Sergeant
Flagstone Garrison, Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet, Lobber
Flagstone Garrison (5)
Lobber, draw 1 (4)
Lobber, draw 1 (3)
Onimaru (1)
Boot Camp Fargo, draw 1 (0)
Brogre trades with Vir, you draw 1, Oni to level 3
Mad Man and Lobber break your tower, your base to 12
Vandy and other Lobber hit your base to 4
Careless Musketeer, Pillage, Scorch, Bloodburn
Patrol as below
Discard 4 Draw 5
Board Info:
Base HP: 14
Tech1 HP: 5
Tech2 HP: 5 PEACE
In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Onimaru (2/3a lvl 1)
In Play:
Mad Man (2/2, +)
Lobber (2/1)
Lobber (2/2)
Vandy (6/1 readiness invisible demon)
Flagstone Garrison (4hp)
Economy Info:
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Disc: 9
Gold: 0
Workers: 8
End of Turn Hand
Dark Pact
Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet
Elite Training
End of Turn Discard
My Thoughts
Okay, lethal, lethal lethal lethal… what can I do with what’s in my hand? How can I tutor for a Dark pact AND put damage on the base? or tutor for Shadow blade? Something? Since the tower’s there I can’t attack first on anything… I think my best bet is to try and fish for the other lobber, Boot Camp the Fargo, trade Brogre, and hope I can put the last bits of damage on the base over the next couple turns before I lose my own. Now + Golgort or something is a risk I think I just run and hope I’m okay, maybe unwise but YOLO!
And now just in case DP wasn’t good enough it has the added functionality of helping in a base race
But lol there r so many ways i could die from your deck i dont think i deserve to survive another turn😅
Madman has a dmg i believe
Remove resist 1 at midband
Reduce midband stats to 2/3
If you have no units in play, remove all runes from this
Temporal Research
Second Chances
Origin Story
Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Max - ($8)
Temporal research draw 2 - ($6)
golgurt, draw 1 - ($3)
Fargo kills Oni
Shimmer ray and nc kill ur garrison
shimmer Ray kills healthy lobber
tower - ($0)
Discard twice for shimmers
Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4
Board Info: In Patrol:
Squad Leader: Yesterday’s Golgort(6/4a) Fading 2
Technician: L3 Max(2/4)
In Play:
Battle Suits
Shimmer Ray(3/4) flying, fading 2
Shimmer Ray(3/4) flying, fading 2
Fading Argonaut(4/2) Fading 2 (+)
Base HP: 4
Tech I HP: 5
Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
Tower HP: 4
Economy Info: Cards:
Hand: 4
Deck: 7
Disc: 5
Gold: 0
Workers: 9
tech draw is Temporal research (only card in Deck). wins? very small, but all include at least 1 now! so teching double now! also since that is a max spell might as well spring for temporal research from the start instead of argonaut. Temporal research draws are golgurt and origin story… only option is play the golgurt and hope. second chances, I’m out, tower up and hope then
I do in fact have DP in hand and the other available to fetch from Midband, which I do think we should eliminate from vandy’s arsenal in the next balance discussion, but in its current state will win me the game. GGWP!
Wow, close call and it’s been fun to watch. I was completely set on this being the first match for this awesome deck to lose in a tournament, but turned out I was wrong. Good game, you two!
And yeah, further nerfs to Vandy might be necessary…
Mm, your main plan failed, but Meta is so ridiculous in the fact that you didn’t have to be planning that way at all and can just rely on Vandy to fetch it…
Also i felt a lot of pressure on many decisions this game, any suggestions for things i could have done differently?
But overall was super fun thanks @FrozenStorm and well played
I’d like to say a Slow-Time Generator once your air force is up, since it doesn’t affect your hand size for time rune fuel. I don’t know how easily you could have kept it up, though.