Casual - robinz ([Blood]/Feral/Present) vs Legion ([Past]/Peace/Anarchy)

@Legion - thanks for giving me the opportunity to try to get my own back, albeit in a more casual format. GLHF!


StartingHand Workers

Makeshift Rambaster



Careless Musketeer
Mad Man
Bloodrage Ogre
Nautical Dog


Makeshift Rambaster

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Bombaster - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Bombaster (2/2)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 5

This feels pretty similar to my opening hand in our first game, but at least I have Bombaster. This doesn’t allow for a hero to be played at the same time, but he’s clearly a better unit all round than the Mad Man I played in the last game but patrolled instead of attacking with.

I was going to patrol Bombaster in Squad Leader, but that allows him, with nullcraft in hand, to trade Zane for my Bombaster - which I realised was bad for me however I look at it. He’d be trading 2 gold for my 2 gold plus a card - and I’m P1 who needs to be able to force good trades. It would leave me playing first into an empty board where he aready has nullcraft - very very pad for P1. By patrolling in scavenger I at least get a gold back if he makes the trade - and otherwise I get to do something.

As for overall game plan - clearly I’m going to need to play differently from the last game. I doubt he will though (unless he decides to do something different “for fun” because it’s a casual game). I will probably play similarly for the first couple of turns, because I’m still planning to play with Calamandra as my early-game hero. But I’m thinking of 2-3 differences in how I’m going to play other than that:

  1. I’m going to use Behind the Ferns as my early spell, rather than Ferocity. This will make it easier for me to destroy his tech buildings and Garrisons, which is key to disrupting his main gameplan. If it goes well for me he will be forced to tech Origin story to get rid of her, which uses up a fair bit of his cash as well as a tech slot that he’d prefer to have used on a more useful spell, or a cheap unit, or a drill sergeant/garrison. It will also allow me to negate him patrolling with a battle-suited Mox, which if I can’t get around it just forces me to take damage every turn.

  2. I’m going to make use of my “big” Tech 1 units - Centaur and in particular Argonaut. I love Argonaut - the ability to attack and then still patrol is pretty huge (is Argonaut the best Tech 1 in the game? I know Centaur is widely considered as such, and imo Readiness is a more generally useful ability than Overpower, at least on a unit with only 3ATK) - and I think I hindered myself by not using him in the last game. (Instead I teched a huntress which I didn’t even play the first time I drew her, and then didn’t see again until the game was lost.)

  3. This one isn’t as certain in my head yet - but I think I’m going to try out Blood Tech 2 instead of Present. There are a number of reasons, apart from just for variety’s sake. One is that the units are a lot cheaper than those in Present Tech 2. Another is that I expect to have the initiative early on (especially as P1), before his garrisons and sergeants explode into life - Blood I think will better allow me to keep the pressure on. And Shoddy Glider, as well as a great attack option to take out units and tech buildings, and his base, will provide me a good way to take out his Nullcraft if it happens to be hanging around on the board pinging my units and buildings. (Clearly it can’t defend against a game-winning Nullcraft about to receive a load of runes, and which probably isn’t even on the board yet, though.) Finally, if I get a bit of defence I can make use of a Bugblatter or two to try to turn the game into a base race. (This is broadly how @ARMed_Pirate beat EricF’s PPA in their recent game, albeit our decks are very different outside of both using Blood and the red starter.)

I can’t deny the dangers of a blood plan - mainly the difficulty in defending my tech buildings, and the fact that I’m at risk of going down on cards HARD in order to put together even the most minimal defence. But the upsides are appealing too. And perhaps I can still use Feral Strike to get a Hyperion or two in play to get some better cardflow.

Anyway, I’m not committing to anything yet - I’m just going to see what happens, and be wary of the danger of being suddenly hammered from out of the blue if I leave his Tech 2 and garrisons intact.

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Hand : BS,FFight,fargo, plsdmo, neop
Tech: nope
Thoughts : wowow! i’m on a roll! [/details]

  1. Get 5 Gold (5), tech 0 cards
  2. Worker (4)
  3. Oni (2)
  4. Battle suits (0)
  5. disc 3 draw 5


Workers : 5+plasmo
Discard : neop, ffight,fargo
New Hand : Mox,tink,TS,TR,Nullc[/details]



  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Oni 2/3+A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play : Battle suits,

  • Base : 20
  • Discard : 3
  • Deck : 0
  • Workers : 6
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand : 5


Tech StartingHand Workers

Behind the Ferns

Nautical Dog
Bloodrage Ogre
Careless Musketeer
Mad Man

Careless Musketeer


Mad Man
Behind the Ferns

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Tech 1 - ($3)
Nautical Dog - ($2)
Calamandra - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Bombaster (2/2)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Nautical Dog (1/1)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Calamandra lvl 1 (2/3)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

OK, he’s clearly also decided to play a little differently from last game. Oni in Squad Leader is a little frightening at this early stage, even though he’s unlikely to get to midband any time soon unless I help him by allowing a hero kill.

It does though have the advantage of meaning that Zane can’t possibly show up for a little while. You can never trust that guy :wink:

I’m assuming that we probably won’t see Mox in this game now, because I think you have to play it in the first cycle or it’s not worth playing at all. I don’t rule out being wrong though. If he has workered Mox (or is going to later), it makes my planned BtF tech slightly less appealing - but I still think it has enough upside to give it a try. I’m teching an Argonaut along with it, and since I only have 1 and I absolutely need to play it, that means Tech 1 this turn. That plus Calamandra means I can only afford the dog as my second unit (or Mad Man, but that’s clearly worse since there’s no reason to attack with him).

I’m patrolling in Scavenger and Technician to try to get more resources. He could actually get a hero kill here - by playing a 3-cost Forgotten Fighter to bounce Bombaster, then Nullcraft to kill Nautical Dog - followed by Oni killin Calamandra and levelling up. But I’m not sure that’s so bad - quite apart from the fact that it relies on 2 specific cards both being in his next hand, it takes 5 of his 6 gold, and the Purple starter has no 1-drops. So his board would consist of Nullcraft and a level 3 Oni with stats of 2/1. I’d only need Mad Man or Rambaster in hand, which is not quite certain but about as close as can be, and he’d be dead too - and I would probably switch plans a little and bring Drakk out to get the free levels, meaning I get him to his all-important midband quickly. I could build quite a decent board, so despite BtF then being a wasted tech for a while I wouldn’t be too sad.

More realistically, he’ll probably kill one or both of my units and leave Cal alone while playing some more of his, and I still get to build board and do stuff with Cal next turn. I’m hoping I get the Argonaut first though. (I’ve considered changing my tech to 2xArgonaut, or Argonaut+Centaur, but even with Oni on his board I still need to prioritise offense over defence.) Oh look, I got both. That probably means I don’t get to play BtF next turn, but that would’t be any different whatever my second tech was.



Hand : Mox,tink,TS,TR,Nullc
Tech: chaosM+cadet
Thoughts : what a shitty hand :confused: [/details]

  1. Get 6 Gold (6), tech 2 cards
  2. Worker (5)
  3. Tech I (3)
  4. tinkerer (1)
  5. disc 3 rs draw 5


Workers : 5+plasmo+TS
Discard : 0
New Hand : Mox,cm,fargo,tr,Nullc[/details]



  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: tinkerer 1/3+A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Oni 2/3
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play : Battle suits,

  • Base : 20
  • Tech I: 5
  • Discard : 0
  • Deck : 3
  • Workers : 7
  • Gold: 1
  • Hand : 5

Tinkerer is only 1/2


Tech StartingHand Workers

Captured Bugblatter

Behind the Ferns
Mad Man

Careless Musketeer


Makeshift Rambaster
Bloodrage Ogre

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Argonaut - ($2)
Calamandra casts Behind the Ferns, giving Stealth to all my units with ATK 3 or less - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Argonaut (3/4+1A, readiness, stealth)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Nautical Dog (1/1, frenzy 1, stealth)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Bombaster (2/2, stealth)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Calamandra lvl 1 (2/3)
  • Behind the Ferns (channeled)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 7

Tinkerer? Seriously? This is too weird. I can only guess he had a horrible draw with Fading Argonaut, Neo Plexus and possibly Mox all in his opening hand. (But then why didn’t he play one of them, leaving Oni to play when he had a terrible hand on T2?) Why else play Tinkerer over those, when he’s clearly not going for any time-rune based plan (unless he experiements with Tech 2 past? I doubt it) AND has battle suits in play? It doesn’t make any sense.

Well, I won’t worry for now about what he’s up to. If he’s got something devasatating prepared, I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough. And since he neither cleared my board nor really built much of one himself, I decided I could get away with playing BtF as well as the mandatory Argonaut. I considered using my newfound stealth to trade my bombaster and dog for Oni - but on working everything out I realised that it’s just a flat out bad trade. (I am down 2 cards in the exchange, and the gold comes out even - I’ve spent 3, but saved 2 in getting the free levels, he’s spent 2 but gets 1 back in scavenger bonus.) And what is perhaps more important is that, by keeping stealthy units on the board, I threaten to take out his Tech 2 if he builds it next turn. If Argonaut is still on the board next turn, along with Cal, he can do 3 stealthy damage and STILL be able to patrol!

He can’t possibly get past the Argonaut in combat without sacrificing both Oni and Tinkerer/Zane, so that won’t happen - but he could bounce it with Boot Camp. Then I won’t be sad because the Argonaut gets even bigger for next turn (with Readiness, remember!) and I have my 2 other guys blocking his way to the important stuff. (I can’t believe we’re at P1T3 with not a single attack having been made yet!)

Oh, one another reason for keeping units on the board is that I need to spend 5 of my 7 gold on worker+tech 2 next turn, and would like to have the option of some defensive presence without having to spend more cards. And it improves my draw pile if I reshuffle when I have weaker units on the board.

I’m teching in Blood Tech 2 stuff, as you’ll see. (Yet another reason for keeping my stuff on the board now is that I want to save the mass killings till I’ve got the Bugblatter down ;)) As already mentioned, the main challenge here will be keeping my handsize at a resonable level, as well as finding some decent defence. I’ve already gone down a card here, I’ve got to try to not go down further (eg. by using Cal’s maxband to get tigers later instead of playing units from hand).

I’m pleased this game has already worked out very differently from our first one (and not just because I lost the last one badly!). It could be a fun ride for the next few turns, and indeed beyond :slight_smile:

P2T3 and ur cala is only 2/3 not 3/4. she is still startb


Hand : Mox,cm,fargo,tr,Nullc
Tech: OS+surprise
Thoughts : [/details]

  1. Get 7 Gold+f(8), tech 2 cards
  2. Worker (7)
  3. oni suicides into argo. dealing 2 dmgs past armor. cala lv 3
  4. Zane (5)
  5. Chaos Mirror (it does not target 3) swapping Argo and tink attack.
  6. Tink kills argo taking only1 dmg.
  7. zane kills nintendog, u get 1 gold.
  8. Fading argonaut (1)
  9. disc 2 draw 3 rs draw 1


Workers : 5+plasmo+TS+mox
Discard : 0
New Hand : cadet,neop,ffight,os[/details]



  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite: F argonaut 4/3
  • :ps_: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play : Battle suits,tinkerer 1/1,zane 2/1

  • Base : 20
  • Tech I: 5
  • Discard : 0
  • Deck : 4
  • Workers : 8
  • Gold: 1
  • Hand : 4

Sorry, that was left from an earlier attempt where I killed Oni, before deciding it was a bad idea. Especially if you were planning to suicide him anyway (very sneaky) :wink:

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not a bad idea, was not in the original plan. Simply u changed the kind of threat, i changed the plan :stuck_out_tongue:

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You must have changed the plan very early though. You played Oni at T1 and must have teched the Chaos Mirror at T2. (On my T2 I actually breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn’t have to worry about Zane for a little while.)

To kill Oni last turn I’d have had to trade both Bombaster and NDog, which is a bad trade for me however you look at it. And I had a variety of other reasons for preferring those units on the board as opposed to my discard pile. Although as you said, you’re now clearly going for a different plan than what I thought, so perhaps that wasn’t the right decision any more :wink:

i had a plan A. but being u P1 and being oni expensive i did not considered him living long, so i started a contingency plan in case he died. I used said contingency plan when u threatened a stealth attack. Btw, stealth only means sneak by patrollers. u still get seen by towers (all units get dmg) and can be targeted by spells.

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Tech StartingHand Workers

Feral Strike
Shoddy Glider

Makeshift Rambaster
Bloodrage Ogre

Careless Musketeer


Captured Bugblatter
Mad Man
Feral Strike

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
scavenger bonus - ($8)
worker - ($7)
Tech 2 Blood - ($3)
stealthy Bombaster trades with Zane, Cal to max
Bloodrage Ogre - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Bloodrage Ogre (3/2, stealth)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • max Calamandra (4/5)
  • Behind the Ferns (channeled)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 6
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

Well, that was a surprise. I didn’t expect him to suicide Oni, and therefore didn’t expect him to have teched any non-Peace spells yet. (In hindsight the CM explains why he played Tinkerer rather than a unit with higher ATK - very clever of him.) I’m very sad that the Argonaut didn’t live, because it’s hampered both my offence AND defence. At least my stealth allows me to kill off Zane and get Cal to max. I’d love to kill off Fargo too, but that would take Calamandra attacking - she’d need to be at max to survive, and I’m not leaving her with 1HP because you never know when a nullcraft might appear.

I’ve put the Ogre down for defence (for 1 turn, anyway), in Technician to help with my upcoming card shortage. The main danger for the next turn is if Legion can bounce the ogre (but I still prefer him in Technician than Lookout). I’d be astounded if he’d teched any of Prynn’s spells yet, and Ogre is immune to FF - but Stewardess is a definite concern. Then he has 4 ATK from Fargo and tinkerer, so only needs a nullcraft to be able to either kill Calamandra or (more likely) break Tech 2. But I’m going to take that risk, because it requires him both to have teched Stewardess (cadet or bootcamp is surely more likely as his second T2 tech, and let’s hope he’s not drawn into one of his T3 techs), and to have drawn nullcraft along with her in his 4-card hand. And my turn won’t be completely wasted as I can bring a tiger into play.

I’ve just seen that my 4th card for next turn is FS! So if tech 2 is still there along with Cal, I can pull out more or less anything. If he kills Cal but leaves tech 2 intact (unlikely), I still have Bugblatter and Crashbarrow, which should be fun. So it’s only the case of him breaking tech 2 that worries me, and as already mentioned I should be able to limp along OK in that case, which is relatively unlikely anyway.



Hand : cadet,neop,ffight,os
Tech: monkey+maraud
Thoughts : [/details]

  1. Get 8 Gold+f(9), tech 2 cards
  2. Tech II anarchy (5)
  3. Prynn (3)
  4. Origin story cala. she leaves, Behind the F dies too
  5. CAdet
  6. disc 2 draw 4


Workers : 5+plasmo+TS+mox
Discard : os,ffight,neop.monkey, maraud
New Hand : Chaos M, nullc,tr,sa[/details]



  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: F argonaut 3/3+A
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: tink 1/1
  • :exhaust: Technician: Cadet 3/2
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play : Battle suits, Prynn 1/3

  • Base : 20
  • Tech I: 5
  • Tech II Anarchy: 5
  • Discard : 5
  • Deck : 0
  • Workers : 8
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand : 4

You’re amazing - playing Oni first and then teching spells for both Zane and Prynn by T3? Wow. This is much more fun than our “serious” game :smiley:

dude, from last time i learned that u can keep cala alive. also btf is nasty. So since i planned from start going anarchy, not peace, to give u a totally different menu, ofc i have changed totally my plans.
Ur seeing the B side of my PPA. During CAWS i used the A side :stuck_out_tongue:

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btw i was really sad not workering, but imo i needed to get rid of cala and not lose the tech race. Blood is damn scary.

plus, being a casual, i think that removing cala and having 4 bodys on the board, i put u on ur back foot. Tru u just spent 2 for summoning her, and lvd up her at my expenses, but OS weakened her, made her unable to attack next turn, plus disabled BtF. So imo, i should have nulified ur P1 advantage. @frozenstorm ur 2 cents?

4 bodies you say? Better make that none :wink:

(I had to skip a worker too though, and am hurting for cards - as I always knew I would playing Blood.)


Tech StartingHand Workers

Crash Bomber

Mad Man
Captured Bugblatter
Feral Strike

Careless Musketeer


Makeshift Rambaster


Behind the Ferns
Mad Man
Feral Strike
Crash Bomber

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Captured Bugblatter - ($6)
Crashbarrow - ($3)
Mad Man - ($2)
Crashbarrow kills Fargo, dies, and overpowers to kill cadet. Your base to 17, you draw a card.
Mad Man trades with tinkerer, your base to 15. You get 1 gold.
Drakk - ($0)
Ogre kills Prynn, Drakk to lvl 3

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Captured Bugblatter (4/2+1A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: lvl 3 Drakk (1/3)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Bloodrage Ogre (3/1)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Blood)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 6
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

So, no Cal so no fun with Feral Strike. But I do have Crashbarrow and Bugblatter. And it seems in the right spirit of things to clear his board and cause 5 base damage in the process. Plus get Drakk out and only 1 gold away from midband. I also had to skip a worker, and am really hurting for cards as I’ve seen coming all along - but I think I’m locked into this way of playing for the time being. Having a bugblatter and Drakk against nothing on his side, plus 5 advantage on any base race which may be coming up, has to be good, right?

He can kill the bugblatter with Zane and nullcraft (or just midband Zane, of course), but then I get more free levels on Drakk. Sharks are something to fear, of course, but I can’t protect against everything - and he’d be spending 7 gold on that. Oh, and I already know he has Chaos Mirror - he could swap Bugblatter’s attack with that of Drakk, or something weak of his, to avoid Zane dying. So he has plenty of scary stuff, before I even think about his Anarchy Tech 2 options. (I think Steam Tank will cause me most problems.) He could in theory break a tech building this turn - but if he goes that route he’ll also have trouble with defence. I think I’m in reasonable shape provided I can stop him rushing to Tech 3.

P2T5 lol, dude u have fallen into my trap. I coud tell u how bad that move was, but showing it is way better :wink:


Hand : Chaos M, nullc,tr,sa+ffight(tech)
Tech: PG+BC
Thoughts : [/details]

  1. Get 8 Gold+scv(9), tech 2 cards
  2. Zane (7)
  3. Surprise attack! (2) shark 1 kills captured, my base to 13. shark 2 kills drakk, zane lv 3 base to 12
  4. nullcraft (0) kills ogre
  5. disc 3 draw 5


Workers : 5+plasmo+TS+mox
Discard : tink,sa,ffight,cm,tr
New Hand : maraud,fargo,cadet,neop,os[/details]



  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Lv 3 zane 2/2
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play : Battle suits, nullc 1/1

  • Base : 12
  • Tech I: 5
  • Tech II Anarchy: 5
  • Discard : 7
  • Deck : 1
  • Workers : 8
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand : 5

Yeah, I knew sharks was the biggest danger (check in my thoughts after the game to see that). I don’t think it’s exactly game over yet, though?