Casual - Andreas (mono black) vs. Holytispon (mono purple)

oops, yea he was played. edited


Tech StartingHand Workers

Gilded Glaxx

Forgotten Fighter
Battle Suits

Forgotten Fighter


Hardened Mox
Temporal Research

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Tech 1 - ($4)
Battle suits - ($2)
Geiger - ($0)
Fargo kills imp
Neo kills Vandy, Geiger levels

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 2

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: L3 Geiger 2/4A
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Fading Argonaut 3/1[3] @2
  • Battle Suits
  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 7

I think it was a mistake by him to patrol Vandy, and Iā€™m not sure why he wanted her with resist- purple starter has nothing that can hurt heroes. In any case, I was sure she wasnā€™t patrolling for a while thinking of my turn and I could have killed her off patrol only by skipping worker and tech 1, and then either going down to 0 cards or going down to 1 but not gaining free levels.
As Vandiy is patrolling, I can ingore that Javelineer, play battle suits and take her out while also playing Geiger for free levels, tech 1 and a worker. I would be really happy if Fargo survived, becuase Iā€™d be able to flicker him by maxing Geiger and get another body on the board without playing any more cards (refreshing him could also allow to play temporal reserach, which will help since Iā€™m low on cards). Yet the fact he played that pestering pestering haunt means that I canā€™t protect Fargo without also playing Nullcraft - but that would mean going down to 0 cards, skipping a worker and tech 1. That just seems worse. I think itā€™s best to let the haunt be, and if he chooses to trade him for Fargo - so be it. Iā€™m expecting heā€™ll be playing some tech 1 units, probably bone collectors but hopefully he also teched some Vandy spells that are now useless. He may choose to not kill Fargo, assuming heā€™ll just fade away - in which case I can flicker him and tech Reserach and Development, which can be helpful since Iā€™m already down on cards.
Alternatively, I considered playing Battle Suits+Tower+worker and not play tech 1. That would probably not let him do any favorable trades with Vandy but Iā€™ve learned that itā€™s really good to kill Vandy when possible, especially early on. Exepct to see Garth coming out next.



Tech StartingHand Workers

Plague Spitter
Doom Grasp

Sacrifice the Weak
Skeletal Archery
Bone Collector

Jandra, the Negator
Skeletal Archery


Dark Pact
Summon Skeletons
Poisonblade Rogue


Thieving Imp (2/2+A)
Sacrifice the Weak
Plague Spitter
Hooded Executioner

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Garth, skeleton - ($2)
Bone Collector - ($0)
Deteriorate Fargo
Haunt pings your base to 19HP

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Bone Collector (3/3+A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Skeleton Token (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Skeleton Javelineer (1/1) @
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Pestering Haunt
  • Garth lvl 1 (1/3)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 7

Misplay with my Vandy in patrol last turn. Didnā€™t give enough thought to possibility for Battle Suits and clearing my SQL easily with vandy kill on deck. The good news is heā€™s delayed his tech 1 build a turn, and is down to 3 cards. Iā€™ll try and capitalize on that, although my dark pact is now a dead card for next turn. Iā€™m teching Plague Spitter for anti- NC and anti-present (hyperions/ immortals)-- which I feel will be the direction he takes since heā€™s played Battle Suits. Also teching Doom Grasp to counter max Geiger and potential Rsrch & Dvlpmnt if possible. Both are expensive, and will likely delay my tech 2.

Just realized he actually did build his tech 1. That changes some things up for me. I was going to go Hooded exec, but will now grab Doom Grasp instead as he may be able to protect his Geiger easily now.
Iā€™ll likely go disease with gorgons/crows this game to counter present (if he goes that way), maybe with a tech lab for zarra later for end-game.


Tech 1 hasnā€™t been added to your building list

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Would you ahve gone for that instead of my base with your haunt? I can change it if you want.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Stewardess of the Undone
Gilded Glaxx

Temporal Research
Hardened Mox

Forgotten Fighter


Neo Plexus 2/2
Time Spiral


Fading Argonaut 3/1[3] @2
Temporal Research
Stewardess of the Undone
Gilded Glaxx

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Mox - ($3)
Tower - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Hardened Mox 2/1A
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: L3 Geiger 2/4
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Battle Suits
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tower HP: 4

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 2
  • Disc: 4
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

The black battle spells are so good, ofc he was able to get rid of Fargo without even giving up the Haunt. But the cost for him was the fact he went down on cards, which is really good. I was kind of expecting dark pact in this case but Vandy will not be out for a little while. I canā€™t trade favorably but I can build a mox (that wonā€™t die to StW, an he shouldnā€™t have deteroriate in hand) and a tower, and go to the next level. I wish I had Gilded Galxx instead of the Mox but so it goes. I guess itā€™s not bad, and thereā€™s a good chance I can go to tech 2 next turn.
I considred not building the tower and just floating 3 gold. Not sure whatā€™s the best move here. I certainly need the gold with all these expensive tech 1 units and wanting to go into tech 2, but he has a bunch of skeletons and Haunt and so itā€™s good to make him pay if he wants to throw that Jave or swarm me. Teching stewardess because it seems like sheā€™ll never be bored. Considered a sentry for the sparkshot but I actually think another Glaxx may be better here, if I can keep the gold.
What an unbelievably shitty draw this game. No tech 1 unitsā€¦ stil!


Ah yes, thanks. I wouldā€™ve gone for your tech 1 instead with haunt.

No problem. Edited.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Cursed Crow

Dark Pact
Summon Skeletons
Poisonblade Rogue
Thieving Imp (2/2+A)

Jandra, the Negator
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons


Doom Grasp
Plague Spitter
Pestering Haunt
Bone Collector (3/3)


Thieving Imp (2/2)
Poisonblade Rogue
Dark Pact

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Skeleton Token and Haunt trade with Mox
Bone Collector and Javelineer trade with Geiger, collect skeleton, you draw, Garth to level 3
Garth attacks your tower for 1 damage
Level Garth to 4 - ($5)
Garth summons skele - ($4)
Garth sacā€™s skele to draw
Tech 2 (Disease) - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Skeleton Token (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Garth lvl 4 (2/4)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Disease)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

He must have had an unlucky draw to not get any tech 1s? This was a better turn for me to pick up some momentum. Tower was a smart play to take out most of my line-up, while using his extra gold. However this has slowed his tech 2 somewhat. Garth is threatening max next turn, and iā€™ll start thinking about my end game plan of tech lab to zarra, while holding the fort down and keeping his hand size down.


Unfortunately, neither Garth nor Javelineer would survive because of Tower. Do you want to change your turn?

Perhaps you thought the tower only deals damage to the first attacker? It only detects once but it deals damage to all attackers:

ā€œDeals 1 damage to each attacker (that it can see).ā€

Sorry about that. Editted my turn.

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Tech StartingHand Workers

Slow Time Generator

Neo Plexus 2/2
Time Spiral
Gilded Glaxx

Forgotten Fighter


Neo Plexus 2/2
Slow Time Generator
Gilded Glaxx

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Tech draw
Tech 2 - ($4)
Gilded Glaxx - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 1, reshuffle, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]: Hardened Mox 3/1
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Gilded Glaxx 4/4
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Battle Suits
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
  • :heart: Tower HP: 3

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

Draws have been so bad for me so far. Now that I finally got a tech 1 unit (through geigerā€™s unfortunate demise), I cnaā€™t play both tech 2 and Glaxx without either skipping a worker or leaving the Glaxx vulnerable to Sacrifice the Weak. I really need to keep this wall of defence so Iā€™ll be skipping the worker. The plan was to go for tech 2 present but I might have to change that - heā€™s going to get a free summon of tech 2 unit next turn. Abomination would be the obvious choice as it will disable my Mox and is very expensive. But itā€™ll also prevent him from using any skeletons. the other option is cursed Ghoul that can either (a) disable the mox or (b) make Glaxx not a patrol answer to the ghoul. I also think itā€™s quite possible heā€™ll play Orpal with sickness or Vandy with Shadow Blade to eliminate my Glaxx (which would be possible after a Ghoul or a deteriorate). So Iā€™m in a tough spot. The question is, what is my best tech 2 option? Hyperions suffer from the abom, and if I skip a worker Iā€™ll be straved for money, not cards. Immortals are expensive and suffer greatly if theyā€™re facing Orpal (though it will take a while for Orpal to degrade them, if Abom is out their value could be poor - 4/4 or 3/3 for 6). I could use TD on them. Future has flying Void Star that can take care of abom but itā€™s pretty slow (without now!) and expensive. I can go for Void Star + Now, or Undo + Xenostalker thatā€™s a good defender, not bad at killing heroes and isnā€™t the most epxensive. Another option is slow time generator with cheap past units which could mess up his plans if he goes for that Zarra end game again (though I also like Nebula in response)


[details=Reply to Holytisponā€™s Thoughts][quote=ā€œholytispon, post:115, topic:3135ā€]
Abomination would be the obvious choice

Garth gets a unit that costs 5 or less, so Abomb from garth Maxband is not a problem[/details]


Tech StartingHand Workers

Dark Pact
Cursed Ghoul

Plague Spitter
Doom Grasp
Bone Collector (3/3)
Pestering Haunt

Jandra, the Negator
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons
Bone Collector


Skeleton Javelineer (1/1) @
Cursed Crow
Sacrifice the Weak


Thieving Imp (2/2)
Poisonblade Rogue
Dark Pact
Plague Spitter
Doom Grasp
Dark Pact

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Max Garth, summon cursed ghoul from discard, put -1/-1 on Mox to permanently sideline him - ($4)
Gorgon - ($1)
Pestering Haunt

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Cursed Ghoul (4/5+A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Skeleton Token (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Gorgon (2/4), deathtouch
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Garth lvl 7 (3/4)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Pestering Haunt
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Disease)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 6
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 9

Setting up defenses and hoping to hold out for a tech 3 + lab next turn. Teching in another dark pact to help the zarra draw in 2 turns if it comes to that. Also, I am playing Haunt here to go down in hand size so I only draw the remaining 4 cards in deck and prevent a reshuffle.


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Reply to Shadow's reply



Tech StartingHand Workers

Shimmer Ray
Yesterdayā€™s Golgort

Neo Plexus 2/2
Slow Time Generator
Gilded Glaxx

Forgotten Fighter


Temporal Research
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Fading Argonaut 3/1[3] @2


Neo Plexus 2/2
Shimmer Ray
Yesterdayā€™s Golgort

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Slow-time Generator - times slows and workers only produce 4 gold each turn! - ($4)
Gilded Glaxx - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Gilded Glaxx 4/4
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Gilded Glaxx 4/4
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Battle Suits
  • Hardened Mox 1/0, exhasuted foreva
  • Slow Time Generator, 2HP
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
  • :heart: Tower HP: 3

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

So this is not looking good. Iā€™m really sad that Iā€™m missing exactly one gold to play both the slow-time generator and Prynn + Undo. I have to consider carefully which of the awful creatures will give me most trouble next turn. he used the ghoul on the Mox, as I expected, but that means that Glaxx is still sort of useful in defence (if he had a rune on him, the Ghoul would be able to ignore him). I can still bounce the Mox up with Steawrdess and then either worker him or replay him until I have tech 2 units. Thankfully I can play the generator+ glaxx and keep a goal (no need for more workers! ha ha ha). I think itā€™s going to blindside him a little. Itā€™s likely that Gorgon and Ghoul will kill my Glaxxes, and then Iā€™m looking at 5 damage - he can break a tech building but then he canā€™t break the generator. He can break the generator but then I get the gold next turn and he doesnā€™t. I hope he teched Abom or some other expensive units (Plague Lord or maybe even Zarra)



Interesting play!


Tech StartingHand Workers

Cursed Ghoul

Cursed Crow
Skeleton Javelineer (1/1) @
Sacrifice the Weak
Dark Pact

Jandra, the Negator
Skeletal Archery
Summon Skeletons
Bone Collector
Skeleton Javelineer


Dark Pact
Thieving Imp (2/2)


Dark Pact
Sacrifice the Weak

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
Slow-time generatorā€” workers move in slow-mo and produce only 4G (+1G floating) gives me 5 total - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Cursed Crow - ($1)
Deteriorate Tech Glaxx
Cursed Ghoul takes out tech Glaxx, you draw
Garth summons and sacs skele to draw 1 - ($0)
Garth and Haunt trade with Scav Glax, you get 1G
Gorgon takes out Slow Time generator

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Cursed Crow (3/3 +A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Skeleton (1/1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Cursed Ghoul (4/1)
  • Gorgon (2/3), deathtouch
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 2
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

This slowed me down definitely, but it was an even trade with him, since it only took away 5 of my worker gold this turn, and cost him 5 gold to build. I am up 2 workers on him right now, and feel taking out his slow-generator is the best move to let me benefit from the worker advantage. He patrolled well with scav and tech bonuses and was smart to keep a gold since I had StW this turn. Was worth sacing Garth since he already gave me so much value, and Iā€™m afraid of origin story. Cursed Crow in SQL to protect from NC finishing off weakened Ghoul in back line. Skele in lookout in case he has stewardess. I couldā€™ve also gone for his tech 2 with ghoul and haunt but I felt slow generator was the better targetā€¦ we shall see. I know his tech 2 past units are incredibly strong and efficient, so this is his chance to counter hard.



Tech StartingHand Workers


Temporal Research
Stewardess of the Undone
Time Spiral
Fading Argonaut 3/1[3] @2

Forgotten Fighter


Shimmer Ray
Yesterdayā€™s Golgort
Neo Plexus 2/2

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Scav + tech draw - ($10)
Max Prynn - ($2)
Prynn casts Time Spiral on herself, giving her a 5th rune - ($1)
Prynn sends the Cursed Crow and the Gorgon to the far far past,where they will have to work their way back towards the present
Worker - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 4, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: L7 Prynn, 3/5A Fading @1
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Battle Suits
  • Hardened Mox 1/0, exhasuted foreva
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Past)
  • :heart: Tower HP: 3

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 9
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

The slow-time generator did its job - he went for it instead of braeking my tech 2, which is all I wanted. The sad part is that I donā€™t have any tech 2 cards in hand to deal with the onslought of disease he has. But Iā€™m still in this game (I think), the Galxxes also did their jobs as he paid dearly to trade with them, especially with Tower around as well. One option is to max Prynn for 8, play time spiral for 1, and remove the Crow and Gorgon. I can then Patrol Prynn in a way that will mean the Ghoul and Skele wonā€™t be able to get past her to my tech building. Come my next turn - Prynn will fade and he will have to skip his discard/draw phase, which is not bad. I can then play Rays and Golgorts and perhaps even the slow-time generator again. Another option is to Prynn (2), temporal research to draw 2 (4), undo the crow (assuming it comes out, 7), nullcraft the Ghoul (9), and worker (10). The problem is that it leaves Gorgon on the board with Prynn out there, which will give him free levels. So that seems worse, and I may not even get the undo. If I get the ray+golgort, I can play both with nullcraft and skip worker, or skip nullcraft and play time spiral for 1+ worker. if I get only Ray, I can still block the Crow and play Fargo to block one land unit but he has both Gorgon and Ghoul, which means Prynn would die. Only if I get Shimmer Ray and Plexus then I can play - Prynn, TR, ray, plexus, fargo , worker - which will give me board presence sufficient to hold him off (probably, thuogh he can always StW and/or deterirate for great value against all of these) but thatā€™s really risky because it depends on the perfect draw. I can play stewardess to bounce the Mox and then paly it again for 6, nullcraft for air defense (8), and Vir? or worker?
So Iā€™m decided between max prynn+time spiral and argo+stewardess+nc (patrolling NC in Elite, Stewardess in Scav, argo in lookout). The former leaves nothing on the board but a wounded ghoul, the latter leaves everything and puts up a defense - but the problem is that he has terrific spells that deal with these units. so I think I should go with Prynn (though nether drain or doom grasp would be horrific in that scenarios - but these are teched cards I havenā€™t seen yet, so he might not have them, and deteriorate/StW he has for sure). gotta take some risk! (actually, if he nether drains to kill Prynn - his units will be lost forever so I donā€™t think heā€™s going to do that, so that leaves doom grasp as the only risk). The last option is to play TR and chance it to see what I can get, but I donā€™t feel like any of the options there will give me enough value. Hereā€™s another question - should I have teched two slow time generators?


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Nice play! 2 questions though-

First- it seems like the 1 gold for time spiral wasnā€™t paid?

Second (more for my educational purposes)- when I killed your technician patroller last turn, did you draw a card first, before teching 2 more cards? I think that may make a difference in your reshuffling timing.

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