[XCAPS19] charnel_mouse vs Bomber678

Well, how frustrating.

Turn 6

Hand: Flagstone Garrison, Timely Messenger, Brick Thief
Tech: Spectral Hound, Spectral Hound
Workers: Fruit Ninja, Granfalloon Flagbearer, Wither, Spark, Helpful Turtle
Draw: Flagstone Garrison, Crash Bomber, Bloom, Overeager Cadet, Crash Bomber, Spectral Hound, Spectral Hound, Overeager Cadet, Tenderfoot, Timely Messenger, Drill Sergeant

  1. Tech 2 cards
  2. Get paid (+$10, $11)
  3. Build Flagstone Garrison ($8)
  4. Summon Brick Thief, he gains haste, he deals 1 damage to your Tech 2 and I heal 1 from my Tech 1, draw ($6)
  5. Build Flagstone Garrison ($3)
  6. Summon Timely Messenger, draw 2 ($2)
  7. Summon Crash Bomber, draw 2 ($1)
  8. Brick Thief and Timely Messenger trade with Rook, Quince Maxbands, deal 1 damage to your Tech 2 and heal 1 from my Tech 1
  9. Summon Overeager Cadet, reshuffle, draw 2 ($1)
  10. Summon Spectral Hound, draw 2 ($0)
  11. Summon Overeager Cadet, draw 2 ($0)
  12. Discard 6, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 2

  • Patrol:
    :psblueshield:Squad Leader: Overeager Cadet (2/2+A)
    :ps_:Scavenger: Crash Bomber (2/2)
    :pschip:Technician: Overeager Cadet (2/2)
    :target:Lookout: Spectral Hound (3/3)

  • Buildings:
    Tech 1: 3
    Tech 2: 5
    Tower: 4
    Flagstone Garrison: 4
    Flagstone Garrison: 4
  • Units/Heroes:
    Sirus Quince (1/5) lvl 5
    Drakk Ramhorn (3/4) lvl 6
  • Base: 18
  • Other:


  • Workers: 10
  • Gold: 0
  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Discard: 0


Drill Sergeant, Older Brother, Brick Thief, Crash Bomber, Drill Sergeant

big think

I may have won this right here. Letā€™s see his response. Surprise sharks, perhaps???


Tech StartingHand Workers

Steam Tank
Steam Tank

Birdā€™s Nest
Bloodrage Ogre
Disguised Monkey

Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog
Makeshift Rambaster
Birdā€™s Nest


Two Step


Bloodrage Ogre
Steam Tank
Steam Tank

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Captain Zane - ($7)
Detonate, it gets trashed, one of your Garrisons is trashed - ($4)
Disguised Monkey - ($2)
Worker - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 4

Board Info:
In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Disguised Monkey 3/3+1A (haste)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :ps_: Scavenger: Zane L1 2/2 (haste)
  • :pschip: Technician: River L1 2/3
  • :target: Lookout:

In Play:


  • :heart: Base HP: 18
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 3 (Anarchy)
  • :heart: Tower HP: 4

Economy Info:

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 6
  • Disc: 4


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 10

Hmm. I want Zane and Detonate (5), but what else to do? I could midband River to get that SQL Cadet out of the way and get to the important stuff. And then the Money trades with the Hound, I guess? Or it trades with the SQL Cadet, and I midband Zane to get gold from killing the Bomber, leaving River L1 to defend. Iā€™d really like to shove that Hound to death, but I donā€™t think I can afford it. Maybe I just need to defend with the Ogre. Workering the Birdā€™s Nest, theyā€™ll arrive too late now to be worth it. Teching in Steam Tanks to block and have more units in my deck, see if I can weather the storm long enough to get rid of the other Garrisonā€¦

Turn 7

Hand: Drill Sergeant, Older Brother, Brick Thief, Crash Bomber, Drill Sergeant
Tech: War Drums
Workers: Fruit Ninja, Granfalloon Flagbearer, Wither, Spark, Helpful Turtle
Draw: Bloom, Spectral Hound, Tenderfoot, Timely Messenger, Spectral Hound, Overeager Cadet, War Drums

  1. Tech 1 card
  2. Get paid (+$10, $10)
  3. Summon Drill Sergeant, gains haste, draw ($7)
  4. Summon Crash Bomber, rune, draw ($6)
  5. Summon Spectral Hound, rune, draw ($5)
  6. Summon Tenderfoot, rune, draw ($4)
  7. Spectral Hound trades with Disguised Monkey
  8. Overeager Cadets kill Zane and River
  9. Summon Timely Messenger, rune, reshuffle, draw ($3)
  10. Summon Spectral Hound, rune, draw ($2)
  11. Summon Overeager Cadet, rune, draw ($2)
  12. Cast War Drums, my units gain +8 attack ($0)
  13. Drill Sergeant hits your base for 17 damage
  14. Drill Sergeant moves all his runes to Timely Messenger
  15. Timely Messenger hits your base for 15 damage

Gg dude.
Check my working though, make sure Iā€™m not a cheater.


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IDK it looks good to me, GG to you both!


Maybe there is a history I am not aware but why does anybody need to make sure if somebody is a cheater and how do you even check to see if somebody cheated?

Hah, itā€™s a throwback to a game last year where I got the rules wrong and technically cheated to win. After re-examining my turn, I found an alternate line that still won.
So now I just say it any time I win, especially after a complicated turn like that one (which Iā€™m doing with notepad and random.org, since I donā€™t have access to my usual tabletop simulator).


GG! Well played, man. Got myself stuck with a few hands full of spells and completely lost control.