Teaching the ropes casually: HolyTispon vs. FrozenStorm

Game 7, Player 2, Turn 3

P1 Black vs P2 Red

[details=Starting Hand]
Scorch (discarded)
Ember Sparks
Mad Man

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (7+2float)
  • Tech 2 cards (except turn 1)

[details=All Teched Cards]
Kidnapping, Lobber
Gunpoint Taxman, Ember Sparks


  • Midband Jaina (6)
  • Drakk (4)
  • Ember Sparks Imp down (1)
  • Brogre trades with BC
  • Jaina breaks your graveyard
  • Worker (0)

Charge, Careless Musketeer, Bloodburn

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Hero’s Hall HP: 4

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout: Drakk (1/3 lvlv 1)

####In Play:

  • Jaina (3/3 lvl 4)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 7


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Nautical Dog
Gunpoint Taxman
Makeshift Rambaster

[details=End of Turn Discard]
Ember Sparks
Bloodrage Ogre
Mad Man

[details=My Thoughts]
Next turn will either be maxing out Drakk or teching up. Workering charge b/c I don’t really see using it when I’m getting card pinched, would rather have more units available for War Drums if I go that route. Grabbing Kidnapping as it’d be great to steal a BC and combined with Ember Sparks, should be able to break up some stuff.

Hi @FrozenStorm - I’m sorry about the delay. I’ve been traveling extensively and in combination with a lot of work and moving, I have not been able to get to Codex. In the past, I was able to play when traveling but this time around I’ve been really busy and can’t find the headspace to make a move. I just landed last night and I’m flying again today… so hopefully I can get back into the game soon but it might have to wait until September 5th.


No sweat dude, this is just for funsies

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Hey Frozen, I’m sorry - I hate dropping games but after a while being busy at work, I didn’t really get back to Codex. Not sure why, but kind of fell out of the obsession. It’s a little hard to get back into it though I’m sure it’ll return at some point - I do love the game.


No sweat dude, it’s definitely gotten quieter around here. Hope it picks back up at some point but if not, it was fun while it lasted :slight_smile:


Any number of things could be contributing: the start of the new school year, a bunch of hurricanes, work, etc. For me it was partially getting sick (like 20 days out of the last month and a half–two separate bouts of different colds/flu-like crap), a whole ton of shows I watch hitting Netflix (last year’s seasons), getting into a few new books, having to plan a few parties, and getting obsessed with learning or reading a few other games (Ethnos and Dusk City Outlaws, specifically).

I do hope it picks up again!


For me as well it’s been an unrelated break that led to being focused on other games (partly exploring and waiting for TI4). It’s also that I didn’t play as much with the physical copy that I have, so playing only online makes it hard to maintain the excitement.

I do love the game and I have no doubt I’ll get back into it at some point.

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