Solo Shodown

Look, I’m fine with Jokers breaking Temporal Distortions. I’m not fine with Jokers not breaking Positive spin.

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Considering how awful Geiger vs Quince is, either change is a win for him IMO


Imagine getting Positive Spin on hit. You could Gold Burst into K-Spin. :money_mouth_face:


Solo Showdown - Week 4
MD vs. @Yjuq

Quick Recap


"Final Score

MD 3-1 Yjuq

No extended recap on this one. I was pretty much tilted from Game 1, turn 3 so I wasn’t really tracking anything in the long term. GGs d00d.


Caralad vs @undergroundmonorail

:valerie: :pschip: :psfist: :setsuki:
:valerie: :psfist: :psfist: :setsuki: - Double KO. Had to run my J into a K to avoid chip out
:valerie: :psfist: :pschip: :setsuki:
:valerie: :psfist: :pschip: :setsuki:

GG’s Monorail


mysticjuicer 3 - 0 Southpaw Hare

:zane: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb:
:zane: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb:
:zane: :psfist: :pschip: :bbb: nearly had the perfect and then narrowly avoided the comeback

ggs SPH!


NopetheBard beats DanielStretulch 3-2

:chibirook: < :chibigloria:
Bad CMB early on crippled me
:chibirook: < :chibigloria:
Overdose was the MVP this game
:chibirook: > :chibigloria: 3X

Thanks for the games!


I will be posting video of this at a later point.


vengefulpickle vs @snoc

Won after MA was defanged, never having MA, and with a raw GAPA MA, respectively.

GGs, @snoc


mastrblastr 3 - 2 @Ivan
this was one of the most fraudulent sets you’ll ever see in yomi. I think I had 9 jokers to his 1, my joker stopped lethal either 4 or 5 times. The games he won he had over 50hp the games I won I had < 20 all 3. Sometimes it just goes like that though. I got MA 4 times I hit it 0 times.
:zane: < :midori: stomped never close
:zane: > :midori: he dragons turn 2, i gold burst it connects, i MA next turn he blocks it. I quickly lose 60HP somehow block back up from 4 cards to another anarchy, never hit it but have 3 jacks and KD loop him from full HP
:zane: < :midori: stomped not close
:zane: > :midori: jokers stop lethal twice here negating a dodged AAA and a J8JJ and then i come back to win on KD loop vs very low hand midori who never had a joker despite 18 cards left in his deck.
:zane: > :midori: get stomped early, get my gold burst block, win 6 atk in neutral vs dragon form and can’t throw him out, blue burst to stop AAA, loop 3 times to get him to 31 and then 9Q7J to lethal.

2 games went extremely close to timeout and all of them had card variance extremely on my side. I MAYBE won 20-25% of combat reveals but when I did I was able to do 30+KD every time.
GGs Ivan you deserved better


MR vs @TheZipBon 3-2

:grave::pschip::psfist::midori: arghhh spent two MT (+ two Qs) to negate “glimpsed” Q and dodge into blue bursted TPoS…
:grave::psfist::pschip::midori: garbage hand on Midori side helped a lot…

Respect and GGs


Owlflame has beat Mystic Deadman 3-0

Two DSDs were landed.


I should’ve done this 3 weeks ago, but here we are. I’m dropping out.

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me vs @Cu3ert

:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :vendetta:
:quince: :pschip: :psfist: :vendetta:
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :vendetta:
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :vendetta:

Maybe I have a mental block in this matchup but it feels SO DAMN HARD. And it was a hard set, every game was close. Well played mate, you may not be familiar with the quince matchup but it was still way too fucking close.

My POV when it’s done processing.


yea it was a difficult matchup for me. That Quince rolling rolled my head. I did not get my fast attack so everytime you could have just used the card you showed. So once you started hitting it was over for me… I think once you switched to an attack, when you showed a dodge/throw and I do not understand why you did that? Did you expect that I had a faster throw in my hand?

There were some moments of intense battle but also immence frustration :grimacing:

Thanks for the match, I need more practice! @migohunter


mastrblastr 3 - 0 @Caralad
:zane: > :valerie: won first combat into J KD successfully blocked reversal blocked til anarchy never used it won with throws.
:zane: > :valerie: won first combat into J KD successfully blocked reversal blocked til anarchy never used it won with throws.
:zane: > :valerie: won first combat into J KD successfully blocked reversal blocked til anarchy used it, missed, ran K from my 4 card hand and his 12 card hand into block. was KD and certainly dead, topdeck joker he DODGES, throws me. my 3atk then beats throw and i then go throw throw throw 7 attack throw and playing like a madman pays off with the win.

GGs man , the MU is over in a blink of an eye always, sorry you were on the wrong side of this one


@DanielStretulch has beaten Owlflame 3-2.

2 DSDs landed.


migohunter vs @Ivan

:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :midori:
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :midori:
:quince: :psfist: :pschip: :midori:

You know how some days you feel like you’re playing better than normal? This was one of those days. That and I finally got a good matchup for Quince. Game 3 still went down to final 50/50 though, and I normal drew my lethal out which was Q++. GGs man.


:midori: TheZipBon 3-1 @SouthpawHare :bbb:.


:zane: vengefulpickle 3 - 1 @undergroundmonorail :setsuki:

I hit Sets so hard with an MA in the first game that @undergroundmonorail’s computer blue screened.

GGs! I was getting really worried in the last 2 games that you’d cottoned on to the range that I was playing and that I wouldn’t be able to close them out.