Rules Questions thread

[details=For Hobusu]The key to interpretation is that the card specifies "the FIRST two"
Even if you have four abilities which trigger off of the first two instances of something, ONLY at most TWO resolutions will do anything.
Also important is much like Drakk’s Maxband, reteller can ‘miss’ triggers if they are not around for the first two deaths but ARE present for some later deaths.
The card/ability doesn’t track the first two times it sees something die but rather communicates with some nebulous game-state tracking presence to know how many non-token illusions have died at the time of death of another non-token illusion (including itself).

Short version: Only two return to your hand. Not sure if something can return to hand if it is already in hand. But as they also only count when a non-token illusion DIES, returning the same card to hand more than once by having 2+ in play doesn’t actually stop the second card from being returned as well (provided of course that you still have a reteller out when your SECOND non-token illusion dies this turn).[/details]

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That’s what I was expecting. Thanks!

Hello fellow gamers got a question Diego stormborne is on the field if I play rewind ultimate does he return to owners hand and die since he token?

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Yes, and then the monument stays on the field to do almost nothing the rest of the game.

Does this also mean, that a unit that is still in the future (a unit with forecast which still has timerunes on it) can not be returned to it’s owners hand with rewind, undo or other cards that return cards to hand?

I’m pretty sure that they will not be returned to hand because they are not in play yet. Just want to make sure that playing some forecast units and then playing rewind does get rid of everything but the units in the future.

That’s correct. Unless cards specifically say that they can affect cards that are Forecast, effects cannot target or affect cards that are Forecast.


I have a tower and Orpal in patrol zone .
Opponent attacks and has 1 armor, does he get to choose which damage takes his armor and which hits him?
If he does, then he will just choose orpal -1 damage cancel the armor and get hit just 1 regular damage from tower. Sad Orpal

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@MVashM, I just searched this thread for the answer, and here’s what I found:

[quote=“Lucretiel, post:1337, topic:146”]
How does damage in the form of -1/-1 runes interact with armor? The way I’ve been playing it is that it simply destroys the armor, without adding runes to the targeted card. For instance, if a tier 2 Orpal Gloor attacks an undamaged squad leader, he destroys the armor for the turn and deals a single -1/-1 token to that unit. Is this correct?[/quote]

So there you have it! Not quite what I thought at first, but it makes sense.

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Sad orpal.
Tower should have swift strike by default :cry:

No, that would be awful. Won’t someone think of the bird tokens! :chibirook:


More to the point, it would be terrible for any strategy involving 1 HP units, since all someone would have to do to negate it is pay 3 gold to give literally everything they have, including buildings, 1 damage worth of swift strike. This would mean that attacking with a 1 HP unit could never do damage to anything, since the Tower would shoot it down before it got anywhere.

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However, tower does have swift strike if any participant in the attack has swift strike. A Centaur in elite under the effects of Ferocity with a tower behind it is effectively 5 damage of swift strike on defense. Alternately, a Mad Man attacking a tower will die, even if the mad man is under the effects of ferocity.

No, Tower deals damage at the same time as the attacker. If a defender has Swift Strike, the Tower doesn’t deal its damage until after the Swift Strike damage.


I misremembered what the rulebook said, but you are correct. It is based on the attacker only.

So if an attacker with swift strike and 1 armor hits my Orpal and orpal survives, 1 tower damage removes the armor and Orpal damage deals the -1 runes (opponent cant choose what removes his armor, must be the tower) ? And if the unit didnt have swift strike, the opponent could choose to lose armor from orpal saving himself from a -1 rune ?


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Yes, if the attacker has swift strike, he takes the damage from tower before Orpal. Without Swift Strike, Tower, Attacker, and Orpal all deal damage simultaneously, so active player chooses the order.


Can Focus Master prevent a fatal -1/-1 rune from Orpal/Plague Spitter/Poisonblade Rogue?

Yes, damage dealt in the form of -1/-1 runes is still combat damage.

It would not prevent death from Wither, Sickness, or Deteriorate, though.


Thanks. I am glad I asked.


A couple questions about 2hg:

Is Rook unstoppable if both his opponents have 1 patroller?

If predator tiger attacks a base, does it pick a worker to kill or does it kill a worker for each player sharing that base?

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