Rules Questions thread

Blooming Ancient and Drill Sergeant both have a target symbol in their unit type box, so does that mean both effects target? If so and I have a Dreamscape in play, does that mean when my opponent plays a unit from their hand, both of them will target themselves and hence die?

no, the :target: means that their give runes to others targets.
So if dreamscape is in effect, u can use runes to kill opponent’s units.

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The target symbol is only for when DS/BA are actively using their ability to move runes around. They are not targeted when a +1/+1 rune is put on them.

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Snapback doesn’t work for a different reason. Because it pulls out a hero from “that control zone”, it cannot pull anything if you did not return an in-play hero to a control zone to specifiy “that control zone” (emphasize mine).


Can you attack your own units? I ask because I want to mitigate the effects of Entangling Vines.

no u cannot.


Do you happen to know if there’s any explanation for that?

You just can’t - there are no rules for it, same as Magic or Hearthstone.


I’ve never played Magic or Hearthstone. :frowning: Hmmmmmmm, it seems odd to me, but I’ll just have to try and remember that.

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is the same reason u cannot attack your own buildings (when you would like to destroy a tech II with only 1 hp and insta rebuild it). Is to make certain set ups and cards better.

Yeah, it could make thematic sense since a lot of the RTS games that I know of allow you to select and destroy your own units, but there is nothing in the Codex rules that imply it’s possible to do. The combat section of the rulebook has this to say:


I don’t really follow that logic, but I’ll just accept that one cannot attack one’s own units.

If you use Shadow Blade to kill a unit in the Scavenger patrol slot, what happens first? The card draw from Scavenger or the discard from Shadow Blade?

Edit: This post was marked as spam:

Your post was flagged as spam: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.

I can’t see how anyone could think I was trying to advertise anything. Please pay more attention to the flags you apply to other users’ posts.

See previous answer:

Oops! Sorry, I didn’t see that that answer was already in here (It’s a big thread). How far up is it? I’m interested to see the context.

Fixed it to a link. You can also use the little “magnifying glass” in the upper right to search - it has an option for “just this thread”

The context is confusing, but the important facts here are:

  • You do all of a spell before doing any triggered abilities that triggered during the spell.
  • Shadow Blade’s discard happens during the spell.

Okay so then follow-up: if the unit you’re killing is a Gorgon (Sorry, I would link it, but since my previous question was flagged as an advertisement for some reason, the system won’t let me link to the codex card database anymore) in the Scavenger slot, when do you draw her “Dies” card?


It’s the same thing, Shadow Blade fully resolves, then any triggered effects resolve.

  1. Shadow Blade kills the Gorgon
  2. Opponent discards a card, Shadow Blade is now resolved
  3. Scavenger and Gorgon death effects now resolve, in the order the active player chooses.

Another way to think of the timing rules is this:

  1. You do everything it says on the card in the order it’s printed on the card.
  2. You do anything that is triggered by the effects of the thing you just did.

The only things that interrupt either of these steps are “things you know to do because of the rules of the game, rather than stuff that you know to do because of text printed on a card or because the patrol zone bonuses tell you to.” So, like, your base taking 2 damage when an add-on or Tech building is destroyed, moving a unit to the discard when it has taken lethal damage or has been otherwise killed, etc.