Rules Questions thread

It was either that or the gargoyle thing. I’m pretty sure at one point he ruled something about the order things happened.

Has the ruling about the Behind the Ferns and Midori midband interaction been overturned, then? In which case, it really ought to be removed from codexcarddb…

Can you elaborate about C? Currently I think the only C issue we have is that Crypt Crawler does not work on Wandering Mimic. Do you have any examples where Liberty Gryphon or Masked Raccoon do not work?

There are groups of continuous effects that are applied together. Order is imposed among the groups ignoring timestamps, but within a group timestamps matter.

Here’s what that buys us:
If something gains +2 attack then becomes a copy of Bird, that’s the same as becoming a copy of Bird then gaining +2 attack.
If something gains flying, then gains flying, then loses flying, that’s different from gaining flying, then losing flying, then gaining flying.

The only point of ordering I know of that currently requires timing is the Midori mid with behind the ferns on an Iron man (is a a 3/4 with stealth, or a 4/5?) in my memory Sharpo seemed to elude before that it depends on which entered the battlefied (midori mid / behind the ferns) first, as those two are then applied in timestamp order when recalculating the derived state.

That was what I thought as well, but apparently not. Gaining stealth is not the same kind of effect as getting +1/+1 and according to @EricF in the second post of this thread, Iron Man never gets Stealth regardless of ordering now.

@sharpobject If the Elite patrol bonus is applied after everything else, then (according to EricF in the second post, which could be wrong) it’s also applied after negative ATK is set to 0. Does that mean a unit/hero which would otherwise have negative attack in Elite actually does 1 damage in combat? i.e. if my Young Treant has a -1/-1 rune and I patrol it in Elite, does it deal 1 damage when attacked?

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C (Regarding Gryphon, Raccoon, etc) is about establishing a set of rules that allows for future expansion of the game. If a future set comes out with an alternate set of patrol slots, and one of the slots said something to the effect of “The unit or hero patrolling in this slot has all types” then gaining those types wouldn’t effect whether your Raccoon had any of his self-given abilities, as his check would have already been done in a previous layer.

As far as I can tell, it doesn’t matter based on the cards that exist now, but if a patrol slot was made that gave flying (or a few other abilities/types/etc) instead of resist it would.

The following is my opinion:

The words on the patrol board / rulebook are a summary of game effects that apply (on other player’s turns) to your patrollers. The “real” rules are:

Your Squad Leader is considered to be patrolling “in front of” your other patrollers
At the start of each opponent’s turn, your Squad Leader gains 1 armor, which it loses at the end of the turn, or when it leaves the Squad Leader slot
If a unit or hero enters the Squad Leader slot on an opponent’s turn, it gains 1 armor, which it loses at the end of the turn, or when it leaves the Squad Leader slot

A unit in Elite gains +1 ATK. This is applied in the same layer as any other ATK/HP modifiers, because there is no reason for it not to

If a unit/hero in scavenger/technician slot dies, you (or the unit/hero’s owner if it was loaned) gains 1 gold / draws 1 card.

To target a unit/hero in the Lookout slot, opponents must pay 1 more gold (similar to the resist ability)


Do you draw the card and gain the gold immediately, or at the start of your next turn?

You gain the card/gold immediately.

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When you attack with Hyperion, you draw card before doing the actual attack.
Can the player chooses what target to attack based on the drawn card or is that cheating?
Therefore the player has to lock in what he is gonna attack before looking at the drawn card

You have to declare the target simultaneously with the declaration to attack.

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I’m assuming you also have to pay gold (for Setsuki/Morningstar Pass) before getting it from spirit of the panda.


Play Chaos Mirror and choose Doubling Barbarbarian and Colossus (both unaffected by anything else).

Does changing the value of something trigger any gains or losses effects based on the new value? i.e. do we expect Doubling Barbarbarian to have 6 (9, or some other number) attack after playing the Chaos Mirror?

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I’m pretty sure the answer is no. Doubling Barbarian just behaves as if it always had 6 ATK.


Barbarbarian should have 6 atk there.


I don’t have a step where negative atk is set to 0.

Will a Tower use its reveal ability if an opponent attacks with a something that has Stealth, but has already been revealed that turn (effectively ‘wasting’ the ability)?

I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, but I can’t think of any way you’d reveal your own unit during your turn…

ETA: I guess if your opponent has Eyes of the Chancellor and a Tower in play, and you attack with a Steath unit, then Nature Reclaims EotC, then attack with another Stealth unit - is that the kind of situation you mean?

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