Rules Questions thread

Depends on the Porcupine’s current health. This is pretty easy if you read what’s on the cards.

WG’s ability start with “deal 4 damage to a unit”. So if Porcupine had 4 HP or less when this happens, Porcupine simply dies. This isn’t an attack, so no damage is dealt to the Grappler, and he stays alive.

If the 4 damage isn’t enough to kill the Porcupine, though (say it’s only just been played), the “if it’s still alive…” clause on WG takes effect. In that case, Porcupine deals its damage back to WG, who then dies because of deathtouch. (EDIT: this last bit isn’t correct - see replies below)

Thematically, Whitestar Grappler is throwing the Porcupine - but if it’s strong enough to survive the throw it comes back and prickles him to death (or however it is that a Porcupine actually kills people) :stuck_out_tongue:

I see. I thought if you used the ability only the attack power will activate, not the deathtouch ability too

Hmm, on reflection you could argue that that is the case. The definition of deathtouch refers only to “combat damage”, and the text on WG only says the defending unit “deals its ATK” to WG - so you could argue that this isn’t combat damage and therefore deathtouch doesn’t apply.

Probably one for @sharpobject to clarify…

Porcupine deals whatever its current ATK value is (so 2 or 3 in your example). Deathtouch only applies to combat damage, so it does nothing here.

You cannot circumvent fading by having some other player’s effect remove the final rune. I will add this to the appropriate place.


Currently there is a ruling that says this, but I would like to change it.

This is fine. You could also just pay 1 for stingers to get your Omegacron out.

So, no. Given the current ruling about Mind Control vs. all other change of control effects, when calculating the derived state you would apply all other change of control effects in timestamp order then apply all Mind Controls in timestamp order. When using Final Smash on an enemy unit that is Mind Controlled, you would never get a derived state where you control the unit, which is the thing you need for Hardened Mox’s ability to trigger.

This is correct about Deathtouch vs. Whitestar Grappler.


Just want to make sure that I’m getting this right. Essentially as soon as something is Mind Controlled, it cannot be “stolen back” by “gain control of target unit” effects, unless it is with another effect that continuously applies “you now control this unit.” In other words, the only “gain control of this unit” effect that permanently steals the unit back is another Mind Control, and other effects don’t give you the unit even for a moment?

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Right. They would start mattering if Mind Control went away though.

Also, I want to change this because I feel that the current situation around Mind Control is more complex than necessary.


When making one of Quince’s Mirror Illusions a copy of a unit that has forecast (but has arrived) will it get forecast time runes or is it immediately in play? For example if you play Quince and level him to the max then remove the last time rune from Omegacron and make the summoned illusion a copy of it with Quince’s max level ability will the illusion copy of Omegacron be in play and able to attack immediately?

The Mirror Illusion will have no runes and can attack immediately. Mirror Illusion copies the text of a card, but doesn’t trigger any effects such as Arrives.


Is … this a new type of deck?! Omegacron mirrors rush deck?

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It’s been done before. Put two Omegacrons out, next turn sac 10 workers to make them arrive. Spend your 10 gold summoning a midband Quince with two mirrors then copy the Omegacrons. Hit your opponent with 36 hasty damage that can’t be prevented because the Omegacrons are in forecast before they arrive and Quince is summoned on the turn.


It seems to me that there are quite a few good units to copy in Vrotoss with Quince Mirrors.

You can do it with 8 gold (and 8 workers) using maxband Quince instead of mid band. Definitely doable as a 5th turn play as P2. May even be possible as a T4 play, but it would need you to draw both Omegas and float 4g (as well as building your Tech II) on turn 3, which is a lot of ducks to line up. Then again, maybe you only really need 1 Omegacron - maybe 27 damage is enough?

ETA: After thinking about it for a bit, it actually works a lot better than I thought, especially if you have both Omegacrons. Because you can sac the Mirrors to the 2nd Omega, you can easily get 6 Omegacrons, and with a large float can get more than that. If you’re saccing Mirrors, the play is also less all in as it costs you fewer workers…

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Omegacron doesnt have unstoppaple so patrollers will stop them and the 36 will be potentially wasted on little units. Next turn opponent can put a bunch of weak units and you will have no money to fight back

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If you have enough cash for 6 Omegacrons, they need 3 patrol slots full, or 4 if you’ve managed to deal 2 damage to their base previously. That’s a lot of units they have to commit to defence every turn, and your only commitment is the Omegacrons. You’re also likely to have other units in play who can potentially kill their defenders, and that ignores the other spells/hero abilities which can potentially deal with their patrol line.

Which is why the play is only done when opponents don’t have the patrol zone flooded by that turn/you are able to clear his patrol zone enough to let the Omegacrons through. Units in the patrol can be killed by your other units - it’s assumed that aside from the 4g for Omegacrons you played other things to develop your board, or forecast units shouldn’t be played in the first place. Extra money saved can also be spent on heroes/spells to help. And as Jadiel said with a reasonable float more than 4 Omegacrons can be made. The play certainly wouldn’t be effective every time, else the deck would be holding a high place in the current Codex meta now, but the point is that under the right circumstances it is devastating.

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With the Forecast 6, it gives you 6 turns to setup the offense. The turn you clear the patrol zone, you make them arrives and unleash the fury.

I would say that even if it is cool to copy them with Truth, I would instead go with Law to have judgement day. Then you just need to deal 2 damage to their base at some point during the game to set it to 18 hp. That way, you can maxband Law, Judgement Day, bring the Omegacron out, kill the base.


If you have 2 sentries (Sentry card), do the abilities stack?

No, they don’t. At least not in the way you mean. The first point of damage done will be prevented twice, rather than the first two points of damage both being prevented.

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Not for FFA people

Can Blackhand Resurrector circumvent the hero limit, since the summoning is presented as an effect instead of a cost?