RACE #3: Mooseknuckles ([Past]/Peace/Balance) vs. FrozenStorm (Mono White)



Overeager Cadet x2

Starting Hand

Plasmodium TemporalResearch NeoPlexus Nullcraft Tiny Basilisk

Gold (6)
Worker (5)
Nullcraft (3)
Tiny Basilisk (1)
Nullcraft and Fading Argonaut kill Savior Monk
Mox kills Aged sensei
Discard 2, Draw 3, rs, Draw 1

Technician: Tiny Basilisk (1/2)

Buildings: Tier I - 5
Units/Heroes: Fading Argonaut %1 (2/1), Hardened Mox (1/1), Nullcraft (1/1)
Base: 20


Workers: 7 + 1 float
Hand: 4
Deck: 3
Discard: 0


Temporal Research

New Hand

ForgottenFighters BattleSuits Tiny Basilisk NeoPlexus

My luck on turn 3 draws has been pretty rotten this tourney, my goodness!

Player 2, Turn 3

P1 White vs P2 Black

[details=Starting Hand]
Sensei’s Advice
Safe Attacking
Fox Primus (technician, ZOMG bottom decked both techs???..)

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (7)
  • Draw 1 for technician
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Glorious Ninja, Porcupine
Bird’s Nest, Rambasa Twins


  • Smoker (6)
  • Worker (5)
  • Tech 2 : Ninjutsu (1)

Safe Attacking, Grappling Hook, Fox Viper

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 3 Draw 2 rs Draw 3
  • Float 1g, Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Smoker (1/1+1armor)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Morningstar Flagbearer (2/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Rook (2/4 awaiting the lick of a basilisk)
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Nothing

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Rambasa Twins
Bird’s Nest
Glorious Ninja
Fox Primus

[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
OMG Still wiffed even with the technician! So Sad!

Ninjutsu is great against peace, less great against Balance (which he’ll probably go for) but we’ll see if we can’t put the beat-down on him while he tries to get to tech 2! This is a tough spot to be in…

Yeah, that’s pretty tough :frowning:

The Rook play was just too awkward for me - we’ll see how this goes…



Flagstone Garrison x 2

Starting Hand

ForgottenFighters BattleSuits Tiny Basilisk NeoPlexus

Gold + f, fading argonaut fades away (8)
Worker (7)
Tier II - Peace (3)
Tiny Basilisk (1)
tiny basilisk#1 kills smoker
Mox and nullcraft kill flagbearer
Discard 2, Draw 3, rs, Draw 1

Technician: Tiny Basilisk #2 (1/2)

Buildings: Tier I - 5, Tier II (Peace) - 5
Units/Heroes: Tiny Basilisk #1 (1/1), Hardened Mox (1/1), Nullcraft (1/1)
Base: 20


Workers: 8 + 1 float
Hand: 4
Deck: 4
Discard: 0


Forgotten Fighers

New Hand

Plasmodium OE Cadet OE Cadet BattleSuits

Interesting choice, I have an odd one of my own!

Player 2, Turn 4

P1 White vs P2 Black

[details=Starting Hand]
Rambasa Twins
Bird’s Nest
Glorious Ninja
Fox Primus

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (8+1float+1scavenger)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Glorious Ninja, Hidden Ninja
Glorious Ninja, Porcupine
Bird’s Nest, Rambasa Twins


  • Glorious Ninja (5)
  • Rambasa Twins (1)
  • Worker Up (0)

Fox Primus, Safe Attacking, Grappling Hook, Fox Viper

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Glorious Ninja (4/3+1armor)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Rambasa Twin Mario (3/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Rambasa Twin Luigi (3/2)
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Rook (2/4 lvl 1)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 6


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Savior Monk
Aged Sensei
Sensei’s Advice

[details=End of Turn Discard]
Morningstar Flagbearer
Glorious Ninja
Hidden Ninja
Bird’s Nest

[details=My Thoughts]
It’s unfortunate that he has enough gold to summon + max out Prynn to sweep GN, so I think I have to go Twins over Birds… Luckily he went peace tech 2 though! That’s really good for my tech 2 choice, more ninjas come and we’ll look to tech probably Jade Fox and Oathkeeper final round, tech up next turn!



Moment’s Peace x2

Starting Hand

Plasmodium OE Cadet OE Cadet BattleSuits

Gold + f (9)
Worker (8)
Tower (5)
OE Cadet (5)
OE Cadet (5)
Nullcraft hits Mario for 1 damage
Discard 1, Draw 3

Leader: Hardened Mox (1/1 + a)
Scavenger: OE Cadet #1 (2/2)
Technician: OE Cadet #2 (2/2)

Buildings: Tier I - 5, Tier II (Peace) - 5, Tower - 4
Units/Heroes: Tiny Basilisk #1 (1/1), Tiny Basilisk #2 (1/2), Nullcraft (1/1)
Base: 20


Workers: 9 + 5 float
Hand: 3
Deck: 1
Discard: 3



New Hand

FadingArgonaut Flagstone Garrison NeoPlexus

Player 2, Turn 5

P1 [Past]/Peace/Balance vs P2 White

[details=Starting Hand]
Savior Monk
Aged Sensei
Sensei’s Advice

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (9)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress, Oathkeeper of Kor Mountain
Glorious Ninja, Hidden Ninja
Glorious Ninja, Porcupine
Bird’s Nest, Rambasa Twins


  • Aged Sensei (8)
  • Tech Lab : Strength (7)
  • Sensei’s Advice on Rambasa Twin Luigi and Glorious Ninja (6)
  • Luigi temporarily fells Mox, takes 1 damage after armor from tower
  • Mario trades with Scavenger Cadet, goes back to my Codex, you get a gold
  • Rook takes out Technician Cadet, takes 3 damage, you get a card
  • Glorious Ninja destroys your tech 2, your base to 18hp, armor absorbs tower shot
  • Worker Up (5)
  • Tech 3 (0)

Savior Monk, Fox Primus, Safe Attacking, Grappling Hook, Fox Viper

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 1 rs Draw 3
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech3 HP: 5
  • Tech Lab HP: 4 SPEC STRENGTH

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician: Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Rook (2/1 from 3 damage lvl 1)
  • Rambasa Twin Luigi (3/1 from 1 damage)
  • Glorious Ninja (4/3)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 7
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Bird’s Nest
Morningstar Flagbearer
Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress

[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts]
Look at that, tech up next turn AND get his tech 2 down in what is probably a pretty critical moment! I’m guessing he teched Garrisons, whiffed drawing them, and will be holding both now. Let’s see if I can now win with my one pretty good and one sort-of okay tech 3s!

Kind of scary…



Gemscout Owl, Nature Reclaims

Starting Hand

FadingArgonaut Flagstone Garrison NeoPlexus

Gold + f + scav, rebuild T2 (15)
Worker (14)
Onimaru, level him to 6 (7)
Tiny Basilisk #2 kills Aged Sensei
Mox kills Rook, maxbands Onimaru
Nullcraft kills Luigi
Tiny basilisk #1 hits your T3 for 1
Discard 3, rs, Draw 5

Leader: Level 8 Onimaru (4/5 + a)
Elite: Weenie #1 (2/1)
Scavenger: Weenie #2 (1/1)
Technician: Weenie #3 (1/1)

Buildings: Tier I - 5, Tier II (Peace) - 5, Tower - 4
Units/Heroes: Tiny Basilisk #1 (1/1), Tiny Basilisk #2 (1/1), Nullcraft (1/1), Hardened Mox (1/1)
Base: 18


Workers: 10 + 7 float
Hand: 5
Deck: 5
Discard: 0


Neo Plexus

New Hand

OE Cadet Gemscout Owl Nature Reclaims Flagstone Garrison BattleSuits

Not nearly as scary as what you’ve amassed there… I think I’ve basically lost as a matter of fact, but we’ll see!

Player 2, Turn 6

P1 [Past]/Peace/Balance vs P2 White

[details=Starting Hand]
Bird’s Nest
Morningstar Flagbearer
Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (10)
  • No techs

[details=All Teched Cards]
Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress, Oathkeeper of Kor Mountain
Glorious Ninja, Hidden Ninja
Glorious Ninja, Porcupine
Bird’s Nest, Rambasa Twins


  • Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress (2)
  • Glorious Ninja hits your base to 14hp, takes 1 from tower
  • Worker Up (1)

Bird’s Nest, Savior Monk, Fox Primus, Safe Attacking, Grappling Hook, Fox Viper

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech3 HP: 5
  • Tech Lab HP: 4 SPEC STRENGTH

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Ninja (1/1+1armor flying swift strike)
  • :psfist: Elite: Ninja (1+1/1 flying swift strike)
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Ninja (1/1 flying swift strike)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Ninja (1/1 flying swift strike)
  • :target: Lookout: Jade Fox, Den’s Headmistress (4/6 flying swift strike resist 1)

####In Play:

  • Glorious Ninja (4/2 from 1 damage)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 2
  • Disc: 3


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 11

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Glorious Ninja
Sensei’s Advice
Hidden Ninja

[details=End of Turn Discard]
Aged Sensei
Morningstar Flagbearer

[details=My Thoughts]
Prynn is pretty good at stopping an unhasted base race, I think I’ll lose here but I guess we’ll see! He has 12 damage on the ground, Sarges could get it close to 20 potentially. Greedy play on my part to try the tech 3 rush, Jade Fox should really cost a LOT less she is really quite weak being targetable and only a 4/6, and what is granting swift strike really accomplishing? Readiness would be a lot more on-par with other tech 3s, and it’s not as if Ninjutsu tech 2 is so OP that she couldn’t have been a little bit better…

What a bizarre game this is, where my flyers are useless…



Gemscout Owl, Origin Story

Starting Hand

OE Cadet Gemscout Owl Nature Reclaims Flagstone Garrison BattleSuits -> Fading Argonaut -> Moment’s Peace -> OE Cadet -> Moment’s Peace

Gold + f, tech 2 cards (17)
Flagstone Garrison (13)
OE Cadet, Draw (13)
Gemscout Owl, Draw (12)
Fading Argonaut, Draw (10)
OE Cadet, Draw (10)
Midori (8)
Moment’s Peace (6)
Onimaru breaks your T3, your base to 18
weenies + basilisks break your T2, your base to 16
Hardened Mox hits your base for 1
Discard 3, Draw 1, rs, Draw 4

Lookout: Level 8 Onimaru (4/5)

Buildings: Tier I - 5, Tier II (Peace) - 5, Tower - 4, Flagstone Garrison - 4
Units/Heroes: Level 1 Midori (2/3), Tiny Basilisk #1 (1/1), Tiny Basilisk #2 (1/1), Nullcraft (1/1), Hardened Mox (1/1), three weenies (1/1 each), Fading Argonaut %3 (2/3), OE Cadet#1 (2/2), OE Cadet #2 (2/2), Gemscout Owl (0/1)
Base: 14


Workers: 10 + 6 float
Hand: 5
Deck: 2
Discard: 0

New Hand

Flagstone Garrison Moment’s Peace Nature Reclaims BattleSuits Moment’s Peace

Agreed this game is super weird, mostly my fault for doing this weird tech 3 thing… that was not the turn I expected from you, Moment’s Peace was an excellent choice

I’m going to go ahead and concede, as I see no path to victory

@EricF mark me down for another L, and find a way to time travel to buff Jade Fox plz XD or just teach me how to play the game better

imo except strenght, TIII white units are crap.

Not being able to patrol is a huge downside for a Tech III that doesn’t have Haste.

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yeah, i mean fox jade is great only if u have flooded the board with ninjas, so u do not have arrival sickness, to kill everything with a swoop. Imo daigo is terribad, like irredeemable :open_mouth:

good game!

I was surprised to see you go T3, since I’m not really afraid of any of the units. Even if you had played an oathkeeper, he runs into a lot of trouble with moment’s peace. I was most worried you were going to go for a bunch of invisible units against me, which would have been tricky. My deck really doesn’t have a great answer for glorious ninja, so that would have been rough.

It was pretty greedy/poor of me not to patrol a basilisk or two on turn 5. That almost cost me the game I think.

yea I should have teched 2x Oathkeeper in hindsight, or just not gone for tech 3 (really the better plan). Ninjas have such awkward “synergies”, would have been nice for them to mesh better.

Oh well, I’m finding I’m really quite mediocre at this game after all :confused:

ur not! also ur a great teacher! <3

I think you’re being pretty hard on yourself here. Monowhite is a tough deck to play, and you’re going to be at a big disadvantage against just about everything else after T1. I’m certainly not an expert, but if you asked me to rank the monocolored decks I’d have it as the second worst (behind blue).

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Kind of you both to say. I was under the impression general consensus was white was #2 among mono-colors in overall strength, right behind Black. That was my estimation anyway

I’d rank the mono colors

A-Tier: Black
B-Tier: White > Red > Purple
C-Tier: Green
D-Tier: Blue

With most of popular multi-colors ([Past]/Peace/X, [Necro]/Blood/X, [Growth/Strength/X]) being A-Tier and most of the neutral replacements being around their respective mono.

But perhaps I over-estimate White, each color certainly brings both pros and cons :wink:

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imo white cannot be really B tier since going tech 3 is kinda useless, and none of the ult spells is table changing like metam, death&decay,feral strike. Earthquake is good only if u already damaged everything :frowning:

To be B-tier, it doesn’t have to be as good as Blacks end-games (agree that it clearly isn’t as good)

White’s heroes are super strong and all of its Tech 2 plans are very strong, and the starter is above-par I’d say (just having Snapback is pretty huge). I could be convinced Red is better than it, but idk about Purple or Green.

Earthquake ends the game if you can chip buildings (not that hard to do), and Feral Strike doesn’t greatly affect the table if you don’t have some setup as well. FDS is pretty great as well (probably 6-8th best ulti?)

Agree that Oathkeeper is the only above-average tech 3 though. Jade and Hero’s Monument are just so hard to get to work (why is jade so expensive? why doesn’t she offer an actually useful benefit to other ninjas? GN already has swift strike, FFox already has flying… Why not give +x/x to ninjas? It could salvage IPN late-game too! Or she could at least cost less!)