Is there any interest in a Codex pbf tournament with Map cards?

Your organizational wisdom is greatly appreciated!

How about a vote then? Which should be the 5 maps to play on?

  • “Fury Road”: “Players can only have one patroller at a time.”
  • "Flagstone Mines"n: “Players can hire any number of workers per turn.”
  • "Big Game Hunters"n: “Each player gets an extra [2 gold] during each of their upkeeps.”
  • “Hard Times Mill”: “Workers cost an extra [1 gold] to hire.”
  • “No Rush 15 Minutes”: “Prevent all damage until after each player has taken 4 turns.”
  • “Daggerfall Prison Camp” : “Hiring workers doesn’t cost a card. (Track how many workers you have some other way.)”
  • “Mystical Forest”: “Whenever you would ready a unit or hero during your turn, you may put a +1/+1 rune on it instead.”
  • “Burial Grounds”: “Whenever a hero dies, it’s gone forever this game.”
  • “Pinnacle” “Heroes can cast ultimate spells even if they aren’t max level and even if they arrived that turn. Dead heroes must wait an extra turn to be resummoned.”
  • “Vortoss Ruins” “Players can’t build the heroes’ hall or tech lab add-ons, but automatically get their effects.”
  • “Bloodbowl”: “All units have +1 ATK and haste.”
  • “Lost Temple”: “Players ignore all tech building requirements and don’t need heroes to cast spells.”

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