[Codex Meet Ups] Toronto, Canada

Oh, and thanks again for lunch! The delicious A&W burger gave me the strength and energy I needed to be really good at Codex! :wink:


Lol anytime it was my pleasure! Wish @ap49 got there earlier he would have gotten lunch too =p


So the four matches I recorded and am in the process of commentating/uploading are:

  • me (red) vs Matt (green)
  • me (white) vs @ap49 (blue)
  • me (white) vs @UTRALAW (purple)
  • @ap49 (demonology/strength/future) vs @UTRALAW (demonology/fire/balance)
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The “showing the camera your tech cards” worked out pretty well, actually. Some minor issues with the sleeves reflecting light from the window that make it hard to make out some cards. So long as we angle the cards slightly, so they’re not shown full-on to the camera, it should be fine. The camera’s vantage point is actually good enough that you should be totally able to capture each player’s hands, if they just tilt a little at the camera at the start of their turn!

I do need to see if I can get any additional height next time, because as it is both player boards just baaaaarely fit into frame. If I can also move the tripod and camera off the table, that’ll get rid of the occasional blurring as the table gets bumped. But it’s a good start! :smile:

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oh man…ok, next time I’ll try to make it earlier :yum:


mysticjuicer (Red) vs Matt (Green)


Next Scheduled Meet Up Details

Where: 401 games in Toronto
When: Saturday, December 17th from noon until the shop closes

@ap49 @UTRALAW and anyone else that wants to play a bunch of Codex games! Unfortunately the timing this December is kind of limited: I’m helping my parents move the 10th/11th, Christmas falls on the 24th/25th, and New Years is the 31st/1st. So hopefully this weekend works!


December 17th is fine i just have to leave by 6 pm because i have an Archery and Axe throwing event to go to :grin:

But will be there early to get my codex on! Also i hope Matt will be able to attend again this time around.

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With MUCH MUCH sadness i regret to say i will not be able to attend the meet up on December 17 as i have been summoned to work that day :cry:.

My only hope now is if someones “ember sparks” the store and it goes up in smoke. Otherwise like my boy Jefferson Degrey im stuck in “jail”

*Side note if anyone wants to meet up to play some Codex on a different day feel free to let me know. As long as the place is within driving distance to me im in! (Anything to feed that Codex addiction)


I don’t own any Codex, but am happy to learn and do own a full set of Yomi if anyone is also interested in that. I may be able to come by for a few hours, and I’ll bring a few other board games as well. Cheers!


@mysticjuicer unfortunately Saturday is looking more and more unlikely. End of year rush at work is eating up all my time.

Things will ease up in January, so I should be available for the next meet-up.

Sorry about the timing of this reply. I thought I was going to eek out enough time for Saturday.


No worries! Thanks for letting me know!

Likewise, same kind of issues.

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Who ever ends up showing I hope ur able to at least record some more codex content the only other thing better than being there

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Yup! Matt is going to come, as well as my best friend, so it looks like if @CreationorControl shows up then we’ll have the mythical 4 players necessary to have two simultaneous matches going. I’ll record (and later commentate) as many of those as I can!

Hoping to do a bunch on Sunday once my new computer is assembled, but I might need to use Sunday to make a couple trips to the recycling centre - too much garbage accumulating after moving my friend in, and the garbage guys not picking up my trash last week didn’t help! :rage:

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Yeah that just reminds me of that one year the city garbage man all went on strike and the streets were fill with trash and stuff not pretty indeed :confounded:

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Sorry apparently I’m supposed to go out of town this weekend to prepare for other things, so my bad for bailing on this. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet up in the new year, but have a good time.



No worries! Hope to see you at the next one. :slight_smile:

Played tons of games with Matt, in a variety of match ups. Needless to say I’ve got a loooot of videos to commentate and upload. Speaking of, apparently YouTube currently does not allow me to edit videos that are longer than an hour, which means the White vs Purple game against UTRALAW needs to be edited in Movie Maker and then re-uploaded to YouTube, so expect that sometime on Monday. Damn Canadian internet!


mysticjuicer (White) vs UTRALAW (Purple)

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