CAWS 2016: FrozenStorm ([Blood]/Strength/Growth) vs. EricF ([Past]/Peace/Anarchy)


Player 1, Turn 5

P1 [Blood]/Growth/Strength vs P2 [Past]/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Bird’s Nest
Nautical Dog
Desperation (from 1st Desperation…)
Pillage (from 1st Desperation… omg the dream…)
Crash Bomber (from 1st Desperation… holy shit)
Charge (from 2nd Desperation… holy shit)
Careless Musketeer (from 2nd Desperation… holy shit!)
Makeshift Rambaster (from 2nd Desperation)

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (8+2float)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Shoddy Glider x2
Desperation, Bloodlust
Desperation, Crash Bomber
Bird’s Nest x2


  • Worker (9)
  • Nautical Dog (8)
  • Drakk (6)
  • Desperation, draw 3 (6)
  • Crash Bomber (5)
  • Pillage, your base to 3hp (4)
  • Desperation, draw 3 (4)
  • Careless Musketeer (2)
  • Charge on musketeer, brings your base to 2hp and mine to 13

Bird’s Nest, Bombaster, Bloodrage Ogre, Scorch, Bloodburn

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 1 Draw 1 rs Draw 2
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 13
  • Tech1 HP: 5

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Crash Bomber (2/2+1armor)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician: Drakk (1/3 lvl 1)
  • :target: Lookout: Nautical Dog (1/1 resist 1)

####In Play:

  • Careless Musketeer (2/1)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 2
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

[details=End of Turn Hand][spoiler]


[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
So Let’s go through scenarios here. He’s laying 19 damage if I figure that he can lay Battle Suits (16 without it). So if I’m looking to end it I gotta do it now, or I gotta prevent 14 of that damage. Here’s the deck right now:

Bird’s Nest
Careless Musketeer
Crash Bomber
Makeshift Rambaster

I’d need to draw the other desperation, + some combination of either Musketeer + Bloodlust/charge, or Pillage + Crash Bomber, and only those combos exactly (both of them actually) to get 3 damage on base +2 he’d have to take by attacking. Bird’s nest or Rambaster or an awkward combining would mean he tramples me. Those are long odds… he really did a great job overwhelming the board, and I needed to tech Kidnapping badly to combat that.

Alternatively I can max out Rook, which only loses to Origin Story, but he could simply not attack and wait to get an Origin Story next draw… I’d have needed a Thunderclap to get the job done, that probably would have been a better choice than all the desperation.

I think I’ve pretty well lost, clearly out of my element, but I suppose I’ll try the desperation play so I at least have a shot!

OMG THE DREAM! He can still get me with forgotten fighter and killing Drakk, but it’ll be close!

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