Casual: zhavier [feral]/anarchy/demonology vs penatronic [future]/peace/feral

Moment’s Peace is great with things that attack immediately or with things that neutralize heroes. Midbandori with skeletons is kinda meh, because you get so few of them. Midbandori is actually best paired with spectral hounds, overeager cadets, and murkwood allies.

Funny thing about not patrolling your heroes? I had shadow blade, and would have had an even better turn if you had patrolled an x/3 hero

[Strength]/Anarchy/Balance seems like an interesting deck.

I was thinking lich’s bargain more than just regular skeletons.

What does strength bring to the table other than Rook on defense?

Bird’s Nest for potential flying hasty mimics?

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Mimic? Haste from? :thinking:

The red starting deck if you use it, Zane, Anarchy Tech II, or anything with haste your opponent keeps alive.

And the white starter for easy hero answer compared to what anarchy and balance provide.

Yeah I forgot about snapback… basically let’s me drop past from the deck for something more beneficial.

Snapback has pluses and minuses compared to origin story. The biggest problem is there’s only one, can’t tech in two to make sure you draw it. The plus is your opponent can’t stop you from casting it, but it can get costly. Biggest drawback though is it puts another hero on the table… But this can lead to the dream play of blocking two heroes if you can kill the one you bring out.

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