Casual - robinz [Blood]/Feral/Present vs EricF [Demonology]/Discipline/Present

5 gold (6)
Worker (5)
Tech I (3)
Thieving Imp (0) - you discard
Haunt hits your Base for 1
Discard 3, rs, Draw 5.

SQL - Thieving Imp (2/2 +1)
Scavenger - L1 Vandy (2/3)

Pestering Haunt (1/1)

Base - 20
Tech I - 5

6 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Discard: 0


Tech StartingHand Workers


Mad Man
Nautical Dog <- Imp Discard

Careless Musketeer


Nautical Dog
Makeshift Rambaster

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Ogre trades with Imp
Tech 1 - ($5)
Bombaster - ($3)
Tower - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]: Bombaster (2+1/2)
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tower HP: 4

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 7
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[details=P1, Turn 3]Poisonblade Rouge
Graveyard -> Worker
Sparring Partner
Skeleton Javelineer
Sacrifice The Weak

Tech in double Temporal Distortion, as usual[/details]
6 gold (6)
Worker (5)
Sacrifice the Weak Bombaster (3)
Sparring Partner (2)
Level Vandy to 3 (0)
Vandy hits Tower for 3
Discard 2, Draw 3, rs, Draw 1

Scavenger - Sparring Partner (2/2)

L3 Vandy (3/3)
Pestering Haunt (1/1)

Base - 20
Tech I - 5

7 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 4
Deck: 5
Discard: 0


Tech StartingHand Workers

Barkcoat Bear

Makeshift Rambaster
Nautical Dog

Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog


Mad Man
Bloodrage Ogre


Makeshift Rambaster
Barkcoat Bear

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($7)
Worker - ($6)
Centaur - ($3)
Argonaut - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Centaur (3/4+1A, Overpower)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Argonaut (3/4, Readiness)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tower HP: 1

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 2
  • Disc: 4
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 8

Donā€™t see much to do here other than play both my big guys, even though it gets me down to 1 card. Heā€™s unlikely to have drawn StW again (he reshuffled and drew 1, with 5 in deck - so thatā€™s a 1/6 chance), and even if he has I should get decent value for the Argonaut if he kills that too. Of course he can finish off my tower with Haunt, which gives me 2 base damage and means I wasted 3 gold :frowning:

Iā€™m going to try experimenting with Feral Tech 2, with its big units, and try to give them haste with Geiger (and perhaps later a maxed Drakk, or with Charge/Bloodlust). Iā€™ll probably also try for Murkwood Allies + Gigadon if I get the opportunity. (The frogs also afford protection from StW. Why do I feel that most of my thoughts are focused on playing around that spell??) Expect me to try teching Elephants and Ready or Not at some point, because even though Iā€™m highly unlikely to line it up (unless I can get a maxed Geiger to cast R&D) youā€™ve got to try for these things at some point, right?

Of course, this all relies on me escaping from the first few turns with something close to parity in board stateā€¦

[details=P1, Turn 4]Jandra -> Worker
Twilight Baron
Temporal Distortion

Tech Cycloid and Hyperion, per usual.
7 gold (7)
Spar with Vandy
Deteriorate Centaur
Haut pops the Tower
Vandy kills Centaur
Twilight Baron (3)
Worker (2)
Discard 1, Draw 3. Float 2 gold.

SQL - Twilight Baron (4/4 +1)

Sparring Partner (2/2)
L3 Vandy (4/2) [+1 rune]

Base - 20
Tech I - 5

8 workers, 2 gold
Hand: 3
Deck: 2
Discard: 5

Already not looking good. It turns out that a protected Sparring Partner and big Black units gives you nearly-as-good-as Tech 2s, at Tech 1 level :confused:


Tech StartingHand Workers

Murkwood Allies
Stalking Tiger

Mad Man
Bloodrage Ogre

Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog



Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Bloodrage Ogre - ($5)
Tech 2 Feral - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Bloodrage Ogre (3/2+1A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Argonaut (3/4, Readiness)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 17
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Feral)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 7
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 9

Iā€™m madly hoping that my Feral plan results in bigger units than his, and quickly! Iā€™m teching the obligatory Murkwood Allies, and a Stalking Tiger to try to kill off his Sparring Partner or any similar important unit hiding behind the lines - although itā€™s already too late for that. It would only take Sacrifice the weak (yes, that spell again!) or a couple of rounds of sparring, for him to break my Tech 2 - but I donā€™t see any other play that would prevent that. At least thereā€™s surely no way for him to break both tech buildings at once this timeā€¦

[details=P1, Turn 5]Poisonblade Rouge -> Worker
Temporal Distortion
Sacrifice the Weak

Defense: 3, 4 // 5
Attack: 4, 2, 4
8 gold (10)
Baron kills Ogre
Vandy trades with Argo
Geiger (8)
Temporal Distortion (6), turn Baron into a set of Rambassa Twins
Worker (5)
Tech II Present (1)
Spar with Geiger
Discard 2, Draw 2, rs, Draw 2. Float 1 gold.

Scavenger - Mario Rambassa (3/2)
Tech - Luigi Rambassa (3/2)

L1 Geiger (3/4) [+1 rune]
Sparring Partner (2/2)

Base - 20
Tech I - 5
Tech II - 5
Spec: Present

9 workers, 1 gold
Hand: 4
Deck: 8
Discard: 0

[details=Next Hand]Temporal Distortion
Sacrifice the Weak
Thieving Imp
Skeleton Javelineer

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Nice trick there :slight_smile:


Tech StartingHand Workers

Ready or Not
Rampaging Elephant

Barkcoat Bear <- technician

Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog


Murkwood Allies
Mad Man
Makeshift Rambaster


Bloodrage Ogre
Ready or Not
Rampaging Elephant

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($10)
draw from technician
Barkcoat Bear - ($6)
Drakk - ($4)
Charge! on Barkcoat Bear - ($2)
Bear kills both Rambasas, you get a gold and a card
worker - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 1, draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: lvl1 Drakk (1/3)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Barkcoat Bear (5/2, overpower, resist 2)
  • :heart: Base HP: 17
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Feral)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 6
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 10

Before I saw my technician draw, the plan for this turn was either going to be Charge! on Centaur, or max Drakk to get the same effect. The latter would have saved me a card, and given me a stronger Drakk - but meant I had to skip a worker, which feels like a mistake. And once Iā€™m going down a card to play Charge!, and workering (therefore once again only drawing 3 for next turn) I figured I might as well play the bigger dude, for only 1 gold more. Iā€™ve cost myself a gold if he uses sac the weak to kill it (although itā€™ll cost him 3 because he canā€™t resummon Vandy this turn) - but otherwise Bearā€™s 5 ATK means he canā€™t do something like: Geiger kills Drakk, Hyperion kills Bear, max Geiger to flicker Hyperion, then Spar with it to break Tech 2. He can obviously still spar and break Tech 2, if he has a Hyperion in hand - but I make it hard for him to clear my dangerous big unit. And a Tricycloid could take it out, but at the cost of 2 shots that he might have preferred to use elsewhere. Actually, he wonā€™t do that, because 2 shots at bear will cost him four additional gold, due to the resist!

Iā€™m relying on the fact that Present tech 2 is gold-hungry, to stop him having a truly spectacular turn, despite his 11 gold. If only I had better cardflow Iā€™d feel a bit more in this game - this is of course why Drakk is in technician, rather than Squad Leader which would make him work harder to break my tech buildings. Iā€™ve not teched any of Drakkā€™s spells (although Iā€™d love a Kidnapping later), itā€™s the other 2 heroes who I need more over the next few turns - but he doesnā€™t know that. He also doesnā€™t know that Iā€™ve only one more Tech 2 in my deck at the moment, so that if he does break Tech 2 it wonā€™t be a disaster.

Finally, Iā€™ve got to 10 workers, so itā€™s reasonable to stop playing new workers (which will help my handsize) - and I also donā€™t have to tech anything unless I feel that itā€™s really needed. (Iā€™d love a Temporal Distortion in there, at least. Rampaging Elephant into Crashbarrow, anyone?)

[details=P1, Turn 6]Temporal Distortion
Sacrifice the Weak
Thieving Imp
Skeleton Javelineer -> Worker
+Temporal Distortion
9 gold (11)
Worker (10)
Geiger kills Drakk, levels to 3 and heals, you draw
Thieving Imp (7), you discard
Max Geiger (5), blink the imp, you discard a second card
Sparring Partner trades with Bear
Grave, level to 3 (1)
Discard 3, Draw 5. Float 1 gold.

Scavenger - Thieving Imp (2/2)
Tech - L3 Grave (3/4)

L5 Geiger (4/5) [+1 rune]

Base - 19
Tech I - 5
Tech II - 5
Spec: Present

10 workers, 1 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 2
Discard: 7

[details=Next Hand]Twilight Baron
tech draw: Pestering Haunt[/details]

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I think double Thieving Imp should qualify as a cruel and unusual punishment :wink:

But Iā€™ve been very fortunate - my random discards kept me the one card in my hand that was actually worth playing.


Tech StartingHand Workers

Moss Ancient
Moss Ancient

Makeshift Rambaster <- discarded to Imp
Mad Man <- discarded to Imp
Murkwood Allies
Now! <- technician draw

Careless Musketeer
Nautical Dog


Stalking Tiger
Makeshift Rambaster

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($11)
Calamandra - ($9)
Murkwood Allies, boosted - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 1, draw 2, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Beast (4/4+1A)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]: Frog (1+1/1)
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Frog (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Frog (1/1)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Frog (1/1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • lvl 1 Calamandra (2/3)
  • :heart: Base HP: 17
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Feral)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 12
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

VERY fortunate to keep my Murkwood in the face of his double-Imp play. The other candidates being two weak starting deck units, and Now! - with no units in my hand that didnā€™t already have haste.

I considered a few different ways to do this, including maxing Cal to threaten Feral Strike (teching 2xcopies this turn) - as well as at least midbanding her, because giving Resist 1 to all those Frogs is a fun idea, particularly when he might have a Tricycloid to clean up three of them. The problem with all these plans, of course, is that Grave can just go to max and chuck his sword at her - after first using his sparkshot to kill 2 frogs.

I eventually realised the much better plan is to boost the thing, to get a 4/4 beast as well. I can JUST afford this, and it works much better. Heā€™ll have to take quite a lot of damage to get through the beast to the frogs, and sac the weak will only ever kill a frog. Iā€™m clearly still at the mercy of whatever is in his hand, because there is no doubt that present can do a lot of shenanigans - that after all is why itā€™s in my own codex :wink: But he has nothing that can do 5 attack without some tricks (like an Immortal plus Now!), so that Beast will get in his way for sure. And while Grave can sword it, he canā€™t attack afterwards, so his sparkshot wonā€™t be able to function as effectively on those Frogs.

Thereā€™s no doubt Iā€™m still behind, but Iā€™m quite happy to have got to the end of T6 and not feel Iā€™m getting destroyed. The plan now is to go for Tech 3 as soon as I feel I can build it without leaving myself wide open - hence the tech of double Moss Ancient. I see no other actual ā€œwin conditionā€ in my deck at the moment - the choices to get one were that or Feral Strike, which if I can get tech 3 built will let me have any 2 Tech 3s in my deck, on demand! But thatā€™s fantasy - just the basic Tech 3 route is much more likely to work. This is an important decision because I likely wonā€™t shuffle after this turn before the game is over, and I donā€™t want to have to tech any more cards.

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I really hope you get there! I would love to see a Geiger-flickered Moss Ancient for 6 hasted invisible squirrels!

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[details=P1, Turn 7]Twilight Baron
+Pestering Haunt

Defense: 5, 1,1,1,1 // 5, 5, 3
Attack: 2, 3++, 4+
Tech nothing
10 gold (11)
Deteriorate Beast (10)
Geiger kills Beast, Sparkshot kills the Elite Frog
Grave kills the Scav. and Tech. Frogs
Hyperion (5)
Twilight Baron (1)
Now! on Baron (0)
Baron kills the Lookout Frog, overpowers to kill Cal. Grave to L5
Hyperion and Imp break your Tech 2, I draw a card
Pestering Haunt (0)
Discard 1, Draw 1, rs, Draw 2.

Tech - L5 Grave (3/3)

L5 Geiger (4/2) [+1 rune]
Thieving Imp (2/2)
Hyperion (4/5)
Pestering Haunt (1/1)
Twilight Baron (4/3)

Base - 19
Tech I - 5
Tech II - 5
Spec: Present

10 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 3
Deck: 8
Discard: 0

GG - I didnā€™t expect you to get through all that without doing more damage to your board, and thought that at least my Tech 2 would stay intact for a turn. Of course you had just the right cards (including the Baron who I didnā€™t expect to make a re-appearance). I canā€™t come back from that, holding a Tech 2 unit, a Tech 3 that I just rather hopefully teched, and 2 starting deck no-hopers. Well played :slight_smile:

I can see why you like this deck. Sparring Partner is nuts when I have no way to kill it, and Temporal Distortioning your Baron into a pair of Rambasas, just when youā€™re about to want to play Tech 2 units, is also nice. It would be nice to be able to pull off some fancy tricks of my own one day :neutral_face:

Oh, and all three of your heroes have sparkshot, which makes Frogs not the greatest defence in the world :confused: (I mainly teched that because I wanted cheap Gigadons, although I never actually teched a Gigadon because I had no guarantee of lining up the draws.) EDIT: oh yes, the other reason was to protect my big units from Sac the Weak

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In theory I can also trade off one of the Twins, and then Distort the other one into another Baron/Argo/Gargoyle (and then re-play it to get his friend back).

Do you want to continue? Itā€™s your turn to go first.


I think Iā€™ll pass on continuing, Iā€™ve been devoting too much time to Codex PBF recently. Thanks for the games though - and I hope to be back for the next tournament, provided I can find the time.

Moss Ancient is untargetable.

Boo! It seems like I make a comment about targeting something untargetable in every one of @robinzā€™s threads. Iā€™m going to have learn to watch out for that one.

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