[Casual] Multiplayer Codex Game TABLE TALK

I think bob’s turn got skipped?

ummm, opps, but no, I just posted our game’s turn in the wrong thread by accident, I’ve moved it over.

I’m actually hoping nekoatl casts sac the weak here. :slight_smile:

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hmm, not much benifict to them, personally I think a max orpal fueling a wave of mass bunny death is far more likely and funny.

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Already posted my turn, but I don’t understand how Shadow’s plan is supposed to work, unless people voluntarily feed Orpal units…

One of your mercs will also die

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well you could have set the wave running by sacing one of your own mercs to his mid band, which results in some units have -1/-1 runes on them, and when they die on someone else’s turn they spread thanks again to orpal max band…

Sure, that could have annoyed one person, but Orpal’s midband only infects 1 unit, and his maxband is limited to units with the same controller. Of course, someone could always donate their infected unit to patrol for a “friend”…

Well, I wouldn’t want an infected unit patrolling for me, patrolling units have a very short life span with the bounty they have, even more so when it dieing can lead to even more bounties…

Now I just know somebody’s going to lend me a unit that I infected myself, just to ruin my day. :joy:


@nekoatl My lookout Merc was killed by shadow, so you will have to pick something else.

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@Bob199 Just wanted to mention that your Jaina was all out in the open, but I stopped my Tree from eating her so that she could shoot down some aliens from out of time.

@Nekoatl Gemscout has resist 1, so that cancels out the bounty you get for him.

Oh, right… aww… I’ll leave it alive then.

So, Blood, Present, and Ninjutsu. Nothing scary there, sheesh. All crazy hasty damage, so clearly, Dreamfire will add anarchy to the mix to really drive home the everyone has great hasty options plan. (except me)

Also, dreamfire was not my first choice for base damage, but it was literally the only safe base to hit.

Which would you rather have, SCV or TCN bonus?

Scav bonus, but alas, Jaina was tackled at the last minute.

So much for free farming =/

@Nekoatl Btw your shurikens also shanked my owl, netting you +1G

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