[Casual] Multiplayer Codex Game TABLE TALK

I will use the purple starter.

Looks like the Neutral Starter is my best bet, giving me [Finesse]/Ninjutsu/Past.

Feral + Demon & Bashing for me.

Y’all are crazy randomizing specs for this ^.^ look forward to seeing how this goes!


Well, [Future], Peace Growth almost sounds stupidly powerful, This is going to be fun :slight_smile:


Hey! Unlike everyone else I have no source of haste, so my damage has to be on the board and can be dealt with for a whole turn! So MolaC is never gonna get online. Also remember that focusing me down can let someone else finish me off to easily win. This is not last man standing, but who has the most base health when the first person is eliminated.

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Indeed you are correct, but omegacrons totally have haste :wink:

And nullcraft, and plasmodium :slight_smile:


Ohh, nullcraft, so much damage :wink: and plasmodium, that will only take at min 2 turns with no seers! Omegacrons you may have a point, but tech 2 peace is so tempting! Compared to Present, Blood, Anarchy and Ninjutsu, I know which I would fear more :stuck_out_tongue:

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@Hobusu What did Arg ever do to you? he was just a pacifist!

Look, your army killed two harmless bunnies under his command! Can you trust a “pacifist” who “values nature” when he won’t raise a hand to stop others?

You forgot to say “cute” and “harmless”

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He arrived just after the slaughter! He was trying to put a stop to it! Now there’s no one to stop the blood crazy Soldiers (most of whom zhavier seems to have recruited)!
Also its not my fault my bunny ran off with his bunny. They were meant to be together okay?

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Don’t know why Hobusu is complaining, he has the biggest board at the moment.

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It could have been bigger… :sweat_smile:

But yeah, the real reason is because doing that let me get free levels with what I had available. I only noticed the connection to my Mercenaries after I’d made the decision. I’m not really upset; if I’d really wanted them to survive I could have patrolled differently.

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Mercs rarely last long in FFA, everyone one wants that easy gold :stuck_out_tongue: hence why I didn’t even try to protect mine with the mox, would have just meant people went through the mox first and left me open (and I didn’t want to encourage wither at any rate).

btw, @zhavier, you don’t mind if I “borrow” you battlesuits at some point in the future? I just really like how fetching it makes your troops look, and I wondered if mine looked as awesome in them.

Oh certainly, I really enjoy the concentric red rings it adds to your wardrobe.

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@zhavier @bob199 @Shadow_Night_Black @Dreamfire

Earlier today, my laptop fell and broke. It may still be usable, but I’m reluctant to check until I can replace it since I don’t want to risk losing anything I could transfer off of it before then. This means that any turns I take from now until then would have to be through the mobile app… But quite frankly, I don’t know how anyone who uses it puts up with it, since every time I’ve tried it has been a miserable experience.

Anyone reading this who isn’t already playing: If you would like to take my place, I’ll gladly give you my sheet for this game. I can’t imagine I’ll have any fun at this point, so I’d rather let someone else get a chance to join in the mayhem.

I’ll try to to keep taking turns until someone replaces me, but forgive me if it takes a while…

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Use a deck of playing cards instead of the Google sheet to maintain boardstate

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ahh, I’m sorry to hear about your laptop! Hope it gets fixed soon :slight_smile:

I guess that’s an option, but then I’d need to tie up a table until the game is over and I’d still be creating posts through my phone, so it would still be a pain. Not quite as much of a pain, but my offer to let someone else take my place stands.

Thanks! Now that I’ve had a night’s sleep I’m feeling a bit better about it. I don’t think it’s possible to simply repair, sadly, but talking with my parents we’ve agreed that it’s probably best to replace it with a good desktop computer and a cheap chromebook. It’s not like I need much more than a web browser when I’m out and about anyway, and this would prevent any risk of losing another expensive computer the same way.