Casual: Isotope X (Blue) vs Hobusu (White)

Good game! I did realize this game that White doesn’t have that many good options for targeting Illusions, so if you had been able to play any Tech II units I might have been in trouble… If I’m reading your post right, though, it looks like you didn’t tech any Tech II units the turn that you built your Tech II building. Was there a reason for that?

I had them teched just not in hand, though I think I did wait a turn too long to get Tech II’s in my deck. Actually, when you realized you couldn’t bust my Tech II, I was disappointed. I wanted you to break it that turn, instead of just making it easier for the next turn. :slight_smile:

You’re right about White not having much anti-Illusion choice…pretty much Grappling Hook and a couple of spells. Makes me wonder if Sensei’s Advice or Aged Sensei should be changed to not only target friendly units. Advice would likely be too powerful (given that it would then become “spend a gold to destroy two illusions”) but the Aged Sensei would be a neat option. Also, very thematic…“listen, young grasshopper, ignore these distractions and focus on your true enemy!”

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One that I wasn’t sure about was Thunderclap. I know the ruling says that it can target units that aren’t patrolling, but can it target things that cost more than 2 gold? I have to assume not, but that means if you ever got Spectral Tiger or Roc out it wouldn’t help to beat them. I actually went with Strength almost purely for Whitestar Grappler, since it can target units to do damage instead of attacking them.

I don’t know if it really needs that much of a change, but the one for Aged Sensei would be good. It has a time delay, only gets one per turn, and only has 1 HP… Though all that is offset somewhat by being a 1-cost unit in the starting deck.

Ah, yes, the Grappler. I just love the idea of that guy doing a Rock Bottom on an illusory tiger.

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Well, that settles it. We need a “Codex Quotes” thread.

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well, even if roc costed 2 TClap cannot target fliers :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but the point stands: Thunderclap is really good against Illusions, except when it isn’t.

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