[Casual] Hobusu (Whitestar Order) vs ascendingPrime (Vortoss Conclave)

Good luck, @ascendingPrime! I may take turns slowly (only one or two a day some days); hope that doesn’t bother you!

Player 1 Turn 1

Starting Hand and Workers


Aged Sensei
Fox Viper
Savior Monk
Grappling Hook
Safe Attacking


Fox Viper

Next Hand

Morningstar Flagbearer
Sensei’s Advice
Fox Primus


Savior Monk
Safe Attacking
Grappling Hook

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($4)
Worker - ($3)
Recruit Aged Sensei - ($2)
Summon Grave Stormborne - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Grave Stormborne (2/3) (Sparkshot)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 5

[details=Thoughts]Standard opening, which is fortunate since I’ll need time to get used to thinking about Codex again.

1 Like

GLHF Hobusu, I normally only take 1 or 2 turns a day also, so it sounds like
your at my pace.

EDIT - changed worker real fast ~wiggles fingers~ you saw nothing


Tech StartingHand Workers


Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Fading Argonaut

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)



Neo Plexus
Hardened Mox
Battle Suits
Time Spiral


Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)

Summon Fading-Argo - ($2)
Summon Geiger - ($0)

Patrol Fading-Argo (SL)
Patrol Geiger (scav)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, Draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Geiger (2/3; lvl.1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: -
  • Disc: 3
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

I think for this game I’d like to either try

  1. slow time generator followed by rewind, or
  2. make reavers work

going to try the reaver play, should be ok vs heavy hero play

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
Argonaut + Seer
Now + Origin Story
Reaver + R&D
Omegacron + Seer

about edit… so I originally planed my turn around a generic opponent for which forgotten fighter is pretty megh. But against boulder it can be pretty clutch.


That’s good to hear! This’ll probably be my last turn tonight.

Player 1 Turn 2

Tech, Starting Hand and Workers


Sparring Partner


Fox Primus
Sensei’s Advice
Morningstar Flagbearer


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer

Next Hand

Sparring Partner
Grappling Hook
Safe Attacking

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($5)
Worker - ($4)
Build Tech I - ($3)
Level Grave to Lv. 3 - ($1)
Aged Sensei gives Grave some advice (+1/+a)
Grave strikes down Fading Argonaut and takes 1 damage
Recruit Smoker - ($0)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, reshuffle, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Grave Stormborne Lv. 3 (3/3+a) (Sparkshot, readiness)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Smoker (1/1) (Resist 1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

[details=Thoughts]Not the best options in hand, so might as well take out the big unit and threaten maxband (have to keep Origin Story in mind, but he needs Prynn in play for that). Sparring Partner is obvious, since a +1/+1 Grave is terrifying, and Reversal is to help me disable key threats and get past the patrol.

EDIT - missed adding deck count


Tech StartingHand Workers


Neo Plexus
Hardened Mox
Battle Suits
Time Spiral

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)
Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus

Battle Suits


Time Spiral
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)


Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)

Build T1 - ($4)

Summon Mox - ($1)

Patrol Mox (SL)
Patrol Geiger (scav)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, Reshuffle, Draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mox (1/1+a; indestructable; trash when my T2 enters play)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Geiger (2/3; lvl.1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: -
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 7

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
Reaver + Origin Story
Now + Ready-or-not
Omegacron + Seer

Currently tracking teapots as a risk. I think origin story should be out fast enough though.
I’ve forgotten how hard purple’s starter is with all the 2g drops.

No clear read on what Hobusus is up to

For me, I switched the reaper and now. The original plan had been get an early now on argo (or maybe T0)
Then use it on reaver in second pass. Now I’m thinking turn-3 T2, reaver turn 4/5 and now it.
Pop 2 workers which will make any T3 plays really hard and also force Hobs to fat-deck (making teapots harder)
after that (if it survives) hero-poping
This is all pretty fragile and should only last for a turn or two
Hopefully though it will create big enough hole for me to drive an omegacron through.

Edit: Fixed illegal play and changed patrol. Sorry for the delay, @ascendingPrime! It’s your turn whenever you’re ready.

Player 1 Turn 3

Tech, Starting Hand and Workers


Young Lightning Dragon
Mind-Parry Monk


Safe Attacking
Sparring Partner
Grappling Hook


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking

Next Hand

Fox Primus
Savior Monk
Sensei’s Advice

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($6)
Worker - ($5)
Recruit Sparring Partner - ($4)
Grave casts Reversal on Geiger, defeating him; you gain $1 and Grave gains 2 levels - ($1)
Smoker sneaks past Mox to hit your Tech I for 1 damage

Float ($1)
Discard 2, draw 3, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Sparring Partner (2/2+a)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Grave Stormborne Lv. 5 (3/3) (Sparkshot, readiness) (Resist 1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Smoker (1/1) (Stealth)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 7

[details=Thoughts]Mostly the same as the previous version of this turn, just switched who hit his Tech I to Smoker. This way leaves more patrollers anyway, so it’s probably fine. Decided that it’s OK to put Grave in Lookout to discourage Origin Story because while he could get 3 ATK this turn, it would require too many cards (Battle Suits for Mox & Nullcraft, plus either Forgotten Fighter or Stewardess of the Undone) and too much gold (at least 8) to be worthwhile. Anyone reading this who wants to see my original thoughts for the turn can look at the revision history of this post to see them.

that would send smoker in ur hand. aged sensei targets


Ah, right. That would be my rust showing… :sweat_smile:

It’s been corrected.

1 Like

All good Hobusu. Thanks legion, I probably would have missed that w/out you and the extra T1 health is nice.

EDIT - clearly wasn’t planning on the extra gold. Updated float in board info


Tech StartingHand Workers

Origin Story

Time Spiral
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)
Origin Story
Time Spiral

Battle Suits
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)


Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus


Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + Float - ($8)
Scav payout - ($9)
Worker - ($8)

Ready Mox (indestructible)
Summon Argonaut - ($5)
Build T2 (future) - ($1)

Patrol Mox (SL)
Patrol Argo (lookout)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, Draw 4, Reshuffle, Draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mox (1/1; indestructable; trash when a T2 unit of mine enters play)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Argonaut (3/4; readiness)
    [B]In Play:[/B]


  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: -
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
X - Reaver + Origin Story
Now + Ready-or-not
Omegacron + R&D

So this thing that I’m trying to set up here is a “timing attack”, which is something I need practice on.

The idea is next turn (worker.8): summon pryn; temporal research into reaver (50/50), seer to make reaver arrive next turn (9g w/ worker)
(worker.9): summon geiger, hopefully draw into Now! to haste reaver + discard to trash 2 workers. If possible, also ready-or-not + another discard to kill 2 things (my timing push)
(worker.10): megacron+pryn+temporal-research OR R&D to try and recover hand, discard to keep reaver powered (if still alive), sink extra gold into pryn

I’m pretty sure I’m going up against a teapots build, so as long as I’m above 10 and don’t let him have 6 cards in hand I should be safe from lethal

Player 1 Turn 4

Tech, Starting Hand and Workers


Training Grounds
Bird’s Nest


Savior Monk
Sensei’s Advice
Fox Primus


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking
Fox Primus

Next Hand

Young Lightning Dragon
Bird’s Nest
Grappling Hook
Mind-Parry Monk

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($8)
Worker - ($7)
Build Discipline Tech II - ($3)
Sparring Partner slaps Mox out of its patrol, taking 1 damage
Aged Sensei advises Grave (+1/+a)
Grave defeats Argonaut and survives with 1 HP
Smoker hits your Tech II for 1 damage
Grave levels to Lv. 7, healing and gaining a Sword rune - ($1)

Float ($1)
Discard 3, draw 4, reshuffle, draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Grave Stormborne Lv. 7 (4/5) (Sparkshot, readiness) (Resist 1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Smoker (1/1) (Stealth)
  • Sparring Partner (2/1)
  • Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Discipline)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

[details=Thoughts]I’d considered using Savior Monk as a blocker, but decided to take the opportunity to get my hand back to full size by blocking with max level Grave instead. I’m not really worried about Origin Story since it would take all but 3 of his gold, and if he wants a worker that leaves him virtually nothing to defend with next turn. More troubling would be Now! on a Void Star, but there’s not much I can do about that… The plan is to get Rook out in the next turn or two to make more fliers (aside from YLD) with Bird’s Nest and hopefully get a chance to use Earthquake (with Mind-Parry Monk there to prevent Origin Story). If I can stick Training Grounds, I may even tech some Setsuki spells and go for Fox’s Den Students as well.

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I’m sure from your side of the table origin story is rough, but from my side of the table…
I went to all this trouble to get an early T2 and it does me nothing this turn.

Tech StartingHand Workers

Ready or Not

Temporal Research
Forgotten Fighter
Neo Plexus
Origin Story (temporal research)
Time Spiral (temporal research)

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)
Ready or Not
Origin Story

Battle Suits
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)
Forgotten Fighter


Temporal Research
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral


Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + Float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)

Ready Mox (indestructible)
Summon Pryn - ($6)
Pryn casts Temporal Research (4 time runes on pryn, draw 2) - ($4)
Pryn casts Origin Story - ($1)
Origin Story return Grave to command zone (not killed, instantly resummonable) (in lookout) - ($0)

Mox gets revenge on sparring partner
mox deals 1dam, killing SP; takes 2dam and exhausts

Patrol Pryn (tech)

Float ($0)
Discard 4, Draw 2, Reshuffle, Draw 3

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]:
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Pryn (1/3; lvl.1; fading-tr.4; atk: gain a tr)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Mox (1/1; indestructable; trash when a T2 unit of mine enters play)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 4 (future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 6
  • Disc: -
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
X - Reaver + Origin Story
X - Now + Ready-or-not
Omegacron + R&D

So this thing that I’m trying to set up here is a “timing attack”, which is something I need practice on.

The idea is next turn (worker.8): summon pryn; temporal research into reaver (50/50), seer to make reaver arrive next turn (9g w/ worker)
(worker.9): summon geiger, hopefully draw into Now! to haste reaver + discard to trash 2 workers. If possible, also ready-or-not + another discard to kill 2 things (my timing push)
(worker.10): megacron+pryn+temporal-research OR R&D to try and recover hand, discard to keep reaver powered (if still alive), sink extra gold into pryn

Kind of disappointing that I didn’t draw reaver w/ temporal research, although origin story was an ok consolation prize
Also, given no reaver, it is good luck that I didn’t draw haste or ready-or-not on draw-discard.
Next trun I can hopefully reaver + time spiral, and the turn after that I geiger + haste + ready-or-not as my push turn

At this point, the way he is pinging all my buildings, I wonder if he is setting up for an Earthquake
Also, mind-parry would pretty much be a hard counter to what I have planned.
I might need to get a hive both both for dragon defense and to kill mind-parry

Player 1 Turn 5

Tech, Starting Hand and Workers


Rambasa Twin


Mind-Parry Monk
Grappling Hook
Young Lightning Dragon
Bird’s Nest


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook

Next Hand

Sensei’s Advice
Savior Monk
Training Grounds


Sparring Partner
Bird’s Nest
Rambasa Twin

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Recruit Young Lightning Dragon - ($5)
Recruit Mind-Parry Monk - ($0)
Smoker hits your Base for 1 damage

Float ($0)
Discard 2, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mind-Parry Monk (5/4+a) (Opponents can’t ◎ my units or heroes)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Young Lightning Dragon (3/3) (Flying)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Smoker (1/1) (Stealth)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Discipline)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

A more passive turn than I wanted, since I forgot that Origin Story on Grave would allow Mox to finish off Sparring Partner. No matter, I got my two Tech II units down before he got any of his own. Teching Rambasa Twin for good stats across multiple bodies that won’t be locked out if he somehow destroys my Tech II.

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EDIT - added these top notes.
Hobusu, you can ck my notes after the game to see what I was trying to set up behind the curtain, but the top-line is that this was a really strong play / reveal.


Tech StartingHand DrawDeck Workers


Temporal Research
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral
Ready or Not (temporal research)
Now! (temporal research)
(peek) Origin Story

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)
Temporal Research
Ready or Not

Battle Suits
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral


Origin Story


Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Worker - ($8)

Pryn fades (tr.3)

Pryn casts Temporal Research (tr.3, draw 2) - ($6)

Summon Vir - ($4)
Peek at top-card (vir top-band)

Summon Tinkerer - ($2)
Summon Neo - ($2)

Patrol Mox (SL)
Patrol Neo (scav)
Patrol Pryn (tech)
Patrol Vir (lookout)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, Draw 4, Reshuffle, Draw 1

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mox (1/1+a; indestructable; trash when a T2 unit of mine enters play)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Neo (2/2)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Pryn (1/3; lvl.1; fading-tr.3; atk: gain a tr)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Vir (2/3; lvl.1) (resist.1)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Tinkerer (1/2; exh: add/remove tr)
  • :heart: Base HP: 19
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 4 (future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: -
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
X - Reaver + Origin Story
X - Now + Ready-or-not
X - Hive + voidray
~ R&D + Rewind

Timing push clockwork
X - (8.worker)
:plan: summon pryn; temporal research into reaver (50/50), seer to make reaver arrive next turn (9g w/ worker)
:act: failed to draw reaver, origin story instead… solid turn in the game, but put me a turn behind for this
X - (9.worker)
:plan: worker + reaver + tower, setting up for explosion next turn
:act: umm… ya. At this point I think my only shot is to try and draw into null craft & try to stall into
hive. Although voidray synergizes better w/ my spells. This is what I get for trying to make reapers work.
:plan: seer/time spiral to make reaver arrive, geiger::now! to fire reaver, geiger::ready-or-not to fire again
11g-6c turn w/ worker; 10g-5c w/out

That might be game. In a turn or two I could deal with what I see and get back on track, but Hobs also won’t be standing still.
Not sure how I could have done this better (except not go reaver, but that was the point of my practice)

Also clearly setting up for earthquake; I never thought of using smoker that way, but it is solid.

I’m looking forward to your thoughts! This has been an interesting game so far…

Player 1 Turn 6

Tech, Starting Hand and Workers


Fox’s Den Students


Savior Monk
Sensei’s Advice
Training Grounds


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook
Sensei’s Advice

Next Hand

Savior Monk
Fox’s Den Students

Tech 2 card(s)
Get Paid - ($9)
Worker - ($8)
Build Training Grounds - ($7)
Build Heroes’ Hall - ($5)
Summon Grave - ($3)
Summon Setsuki - ($1)
Aged Sensei advises Dragon (+1/+a)
Dragon destroys your Tech II, dealing 2 damage to your Base
Smoker pokes your Base for 1 more damage (total HP remaining: 16

Float ($1)
Discard 2, reshuffle, draw 4

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mind-Parry Monk (5/4+a) (Opponents can’t ◎ my units or heroes)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]:
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Grave Stormborne Lv. 1 (2/3) (Sparkshot)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Training Grounds
  • Setsuki Hiruki Lv. 1 (1/3) (Costs $1 to attack)
  • Young Lightning Dragon (3/3) (Flying)
  • Aged Sensei (1/1)
  • Smoker (1/1) (Stealth)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Discipline)
  • :heart: Heroes’ Hall HP: 4

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 5
  • Disc: 0
  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 10

[details=Thoughts][spoiler]It’s worrying that he still hasn’t played any Tech II stuff… For that matter, he’s only played two cards that weren’t in his starting deck. Bad draws? Regardless, unless he suicides one of his heroes he can’t play Now! on anything, meaning I shouldn’t have to worry about Haste from anything bigger than Nullcraft.

He can kill my MPM, and it looks like it would be easy to do if he plays Battle Suits, but Origin Story won’t matter this turn (since I’ll summon and max Rook at the same time next turn). Thus, if I can take out Prynn next turn with YLD, it should be impossible for him to remove Rook before I either hit with Earthquake or get MPM replaced (if he dies to begin with).

Setsuki is mainly going to be my draw engine, but I figured I might as well try to get FDS out of her too. Imagine, going for a plan that relies on an Ultimate spell and has another Ultimate spell as backup against Prynn of all heroes! If I fail, it will be because this was a foolishly foolish idea born from the foolish mind of a foolhardy foolish fool.[/spoiler][/details]

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Ya, I tried to do a thing which I have never gotten to work before… We’ll see how it turns out, but I’m curious if you have any suggestions on how I could have better pulled my plan.

EDIT - updated draw deck from last turn
EDIT 2 - Mech, Mox, words are hard


Tech StartingHand DrawDeck Workers


Origin Story
(peek) voidray
(swap) Origin Story :: voidray

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)

Battle Suits
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral


Origin Story
Temporal Research
Ready or Not


Neo (2/2)

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)

Pryn fades (tr.2)
Peek (Vir topband)

buy 6 lvl for vir (max-band) - ($4)
Summon mech (vir max-band; forecast-tr.2)

Summon Seer (arrive: remove tr from mech) - ($3)
Summon Nullcraft - ($1)

Swap card in hand for top-deck (vir topband) - ($0)

Exhaust tinkerer to remove tr from mech (it arrives)

Vir atk Mind-parry
Vir dies, levels to sets; mind-parry takes 2 after armor

Neo atk Mind-parry
Neo takes 5dam & dies, mind-parry takes 2dam and dies

Mox atk Grave
Grave take 1dam, mech takes 2dam and exhausts

Patrol Mech (SL)
Patrol Seer (scav)
Patrol Null (lookout)

Float ($0)
Discard 3, Draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Mech (6/7+a; untargetable)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Seer (2/1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Nullcraft (1/1; flying; can’t be tgt of buff/debuff spells)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Tinkerer (1/2; exh: add/remove tr)
  • Mox (1/1; indestructable; trash when a T2 unit of mine enters play)
  • Pryn (1/3; lvl.1; fading-tr.2; atk: gain a tr)
  • :heart: Base HP: 16
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (future) - rebuilding

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: -
  • Disc: 4
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
X - Reaver + Origin Story
X - Now + Ready-or-not
X - Hive + voidray
~ R&D, Rewind, assimilate

Timing push clockwork
X - (8.worker)
:plan: summon pryn; temporal research into reaver (50/50), seer to make reaver arrive next turn (9g w/ worker)
:act: failed to draw reaver, origin story instead… solid turn in the game, but put me a turn behind for this
X - (9.worker)
:plan: worker + reaver + tower, setting up for explosion next turn
:act: umm… ya. At this point I think my only shot is to try and draw into null craft & try to stall into
hive. Although voidray synergizes better w/ my spells. This is what I get for trying to make reapers work.
:plan: seer/time spiral to make reaver arrive, geiger::now! to fire reaver, geiger::ready-or-not to fire again
11g-6c turn w/ worker; 10g-5c w/out
:act: …off the rails; just trying to stall out to hive, and follow up w/ the actual plan

Mech is safe from sword-rune, which would take all the army to clear. Nullcraft protects my T2.
If pryn survives (I think sword-rune is the only way she dies), origin story whoever the max hero is.
Next turn hive takes over blocking duties and I can start the business of atk
If there is a mass atk maybe ready-or-not to lock down

I think you meant Mox here?

Yep, that is absolutely correct. Clearly I need to get some T2 units out b/c Mox has no business still being around at this point …my guess at where my confusion came from.

Also, I just realized as I was taking my turn that I forgot to note the +1 ATK bonus that Training Grounds gives my heroes when I played it last turn. It doesn’t change any of the combat math for your turn, but does it change any of your decisions?

Nope, truth be told I have my codexs here next to my computer and so I reference the actual cards when I plan my turns.

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Alright, this is my last turn tonight. I’m honestly surprised at the complete lack of cards other than those from your starting deck (and heroes) since the Origin Story… Bad draws?

Player 1 Turn 7

Starting Hand and Workers


Savior Monk
Fox’s Den Students


Fox Viper
Morningstar Flagbearer
Safe Attacking
Fox Primus
Grappling Hook
Sensei’s Advice

Next Hand

Rambasa Twin
Bird’s Nest
Sparring Partner


Mind-Parry Monk
Aged Sensei
Fox’s Den Students

Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid + float - ($11)
Summon Rook - ($9)
Exhaust Training Grounds to level Rook to max
Increase Dragon’s ATK by +2 this turn (using its ability) - ($7)
Dragon zaps Mech for 4 damage after armor
Grave and Mech take each other out, Prynn gains 2 free levels
Aged Sensei and Seer trade, you gain $1
Level Setsuki to Lv. 4 - ($6)
Setsuki walks under Nullcraft, swiftly defeats Prynn and gains 2 free levels
Smoker pokes your Tech II for 1 damage
Recruit Savior Monk - ($4)

Float ($4)
Discard 3, draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Garus Rook Lv. 8 (5/6) (Two Lives, ignores lone patrollers)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]:
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Savior Monk (2/2) (Healing 1)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]:
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]:
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Training Grounds (+1 ATK to heroes)
  • Setsuki Hiruki Lv. 6 (4/4) (Upkeep: draw 2, costs $1 to attack, swift strike when attacking)
  • Young Lightning Dragon (3/3) (Flying)
  • Smoker (1/1) (Stealth)
  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 5
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 5 (Discipline)
  • :heart: Heroes’ Hall HP: 4

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5
  • Gold: 4
  • Workers: 10

I think this is almost a game-winning position even without the ultimate spells. He can’t summon Vir or Prynn next turn, his Mech is gone with almost no loss on my part, and I’ve got two max-level heroes ready to pound his remaining defenses next turn. The Nullcraft bothered me at first, since I had intended to use YLD on Prynn, but this way worked out quite nicely! I didn’t even have to spend as much as I’d planned, since he so generously gave Setsuki some free levels. Now I’ll have enough to play both Earthquake and Fox’s Den Students and still have enough for anything other than Mind-Parry Monk.

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Now that my cards are on the table, I can just come out and say it.
The original plan had been early T2 then explode out w/ a reaver and lock you down.
A little bit of bad card draw meant I got origin story instead of reaver,
and then you followed up mind-parry + dragon which is basically a hard-counter to my plan.

…so I have been tap-dancing behind the scenes trying to adjust.

Tech StartingHand DrawDeck Workers


Origin Story
Temporal Research
Ready or Not

DRAW DECK (bottom of turn, unordered)
Temporal Research

Battle Suits
Fading-Argo (2/3+a; fading-TR.3)
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral


Origin Story
Neo (2/2)
Ready or Not
Seer (2/1)


Tech 0 card(s)
Get Paid - ($10)
Scav payout - ($11)

Summon Hive - ($5)
(summon 5 stingers, trash mox)

Summon Reaver (forecast-tr.2) - ($2)

Summon Geiger - ($0)

Null craft kills smoker

Float ($0)
Discard 3, Reshuffle, Draw 5

[B]Board Info:[/B]
[B]In Patrol:[/B]

  • :psblueshield: [I]Squad Leader[/I]: Stinger.a (1/1; flying)
  • :psfist: [I]Elite[/I]: Stinger.b (1/1; flying)
  • :ps_: [I]Scavenger[/I]: Tinkerer (1/2; exh: add/remove tr)
  • :pschip: [I]Technician[/I]: Geiger (2/3; lvl.1; sparkshot)
  • :target: [I]Lookout[/I]: Stinger.c (1/1; flying)
    [B]In Play:[/B]
  • Nullcraft (1/1; flying; can’t be tgt of buff/debuff spells)
  • Stinger.d (1/1; flying)
  • Stinger.e (1/1; flying)
  • Hive (0/6; flying; resist.1; summon stinger 1.g, max 5, sacrifice 5 stinger if dies)
  • Reaver (forecast-tr.2)
  • :heart: Base HP: 16
  • :heart: Tech I HP: 4
  • :heart: Tech II HP: 4 (future)

[B]Economy Info:[/B]

  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: -
  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

(tentative tech plan; subject to change)
X - Argonaut + Seer
X - Reaver + Origin Story
X - Now + Ready-or-not
X - Hive + voidray
~ R&D, Rewind, assimilate

Timing push clockwork
X - (8.worker)
:plan: summon pryn; temporal research into reaver (50/50), seer to make reaver arrive next turn (9g w/ worker)
:act: failed to draw reaver, origin story instead… solid turn in the game, but put me a turn behind for this
X - (9.worker)
:plan: worker + reaver + tower, setting up for explosion next turn
:act: umm… ya. At this point I think my only shot is to try and draw into null craft & try to stall into
hive. Although voidray synergizes better w/ my spells. This is what I get for trying to make reapers work.
:plan: seer/time spiral to make reaver arrive, geiger::now! to fire reaver, geiger::ready-or-not to fire again
11g-6c turn w/ worker; 10g-5c w/out
:act: …off the rails; just trying to stall out to hive, and follow up w/ the actual plan

Assuming Earchquake in hand, I survive w/ 2 health, but if geiger dies I have to wait 2 turn to haste reaver & its prob game.

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