CAFS 2016: EricF ([Past]/Peace/Anarchy) vs. FrozenStorm ([Past]/Peace/Anarchy)

Welcome to the final match of the Codex Asynchronous Fass Swiss tournament (unless FrozenStorm wins, in which case, there will be a second final, since EricF has only one loss at this point)

[details=Player 1, Turn 1 Secret info]Hand:Temporal Research
Time Spiral
Plasmodium -> Worker // not a good choice when facing enemy Past
Fading Argonaut

Plan: All about maintaining value, and having Battle Suits in play. Fading Argo is a fine start, even if it dies early to a Seer/Time Spiral[/details]

4 gold (4)
Worker (3)
Fading Argo (1)
Discard 3, Draw 5. Float 1 gold.

No Patrol

Fading Argo (2/3) [3]

Base - 20

5 workers, 1 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 0
Discard: 3


Happy to play out another mirror w/ you @EricF, and it’s looking like Marto is MIA (hopefully he’s okay!)

GL HF show me what I should have done as P1 last game! I’d say let’s hype this game up since it’s probably near the last match of CAFS, but given the last game I’m not sure how much of a game I can make of it :wink:

For those spectating, here is the thread of previous mirror match EricF and I played, where he bested me as P2, and here is a video Bomber recorded to detail that match

Player 2, Turn 1

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Battle Suits
Fading Argonaut
Forgotten Fighter

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (5)
  • No techs turn 1

[details=All Teched Cards][spoiler]



  • Fading Argonaut (3)
  • Battle Suits (1)
  • Worker (0)


  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 4
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Fading Argonaut (3/3+1armor fade 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 2


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 6

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Hardened Mox
Temporal Research
Time Spiral

[details=End of Turn Discard]
Forgotten Fighter

[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
So EricF won this matchup last time (see youtube video Bomber made, previous thread), and he did it by just eeking out advantages w/ his extra gold, barely keeping the board stable and using Battle Suits + Seers to trade really favorably (and skirt time rune advantages so well, man!)

I’m going to likely do very similar things as he did as P2, teching for Peace and using DS + Nullcraft to win the fight. The thing I can’t do is let Eric trash my nullcraft with Prynn, or do it to him like he did to me!

It’ll be interesting to see if I’ve learned enough to surge to victory, unlikely since Eric is extremely good in general and especially on this deck, but I’ll give it my best and try to learn something along the way!

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[details=P1, Turn 2]Forgotten Fighter
Hardened Mox -> Worker
Battle Suits
Neo Plexus

Tech in double Overeager Cadet (in the land of 3/3s, which is what this becomes with Battle Suits on both sides, the 0 cost 3/2 is king)
5 gold (6)
Worker (5)
Tech I (3)
Battle Suits (1)
Discard 3, rs, Draw 5. Float 1 gold

SQL - Fading Argo (3/3 +1) [2]

Base - 20
Tech I - 5

Battle Suits
6 workers, 1 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Discard: 0

[details=Next Hand]Forgotten Fighter
Temporal Research
Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet
Time Spiral[/details]

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Player 2, Turn 2

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Hardened Mox
Temporal Research
Time Spiral

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (6)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Nullcraft (4)
  • Tech 1 (2)
  • Nullcraft peels your Fading Argonaut’s armor off
  • Fading Argonauts trade
  • Worker (1)

Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 1 rs Draw 3
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Nullcraft (1/1 flying)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 4
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 7

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral
Temporal Research
Fading Argonaut

[details=End of Turn Discard]

[details=My Thoughts]
Going to leverage my gold advantage and try to do Research card draws to flood the board with cadets. I want to keep my tech 1 then, so Nullcraft comes down and forces a trade to neutralize the board. I think if I keep the patrol gummed up, I should be able to win at Tech 2, as I feared EricF would last game.

[details=P1, Turn 3]Tech in 2x Garrison to have one available on turn 5 (hopefully). For now, we get on the board!
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral
Temporal Research
Overeager Cadet
Overeager Cadet
Draw 2:
Tinkerer -> Worker
Neo Plexus

So, I don’t get to trade off Nullcrafts here: that’s fine, though. Unfortunately I draw both Garrisons in my next hand, but I should still be able to bounce back from that will a couple of Drill Sergeants and another 5 card hand next turn (spend 5/9 gold getting to Tech II, have 4 left over for Nullcraft + draw 2 after reshuffle from {4 tech 2 cards, Temporal Research, Nullcraft, any Cadets that die}
6 gold (7)
Prynn (5)
Temporal Research, Draw 2 (3)
Overeager Cadet (3)
Overeager Cadet (3)
Worker (2)
Discard 3, Draw 1, rs, Draw 4. Float 2 gold.

SQL - Overeager Cadet (3/2 +1)
Scavenger - Overeager Cadet (3/2)

L1 Prynn (1/3) [4]

Base - 20
Tech I - 5

Battle Suits
7 workers, 2 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Discard: 0

[details=Next Hand]Neo Plexus
Temporal Research
Flagstone Garrison
Flagstone Garrison

Player 2, Turn 3

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Neo Plexus
Time Spiral
Temporal Research
Fading Argonaut
Overeager Cadet (TR)
Forgotten Fighter (TR)

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (7+1float)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Flagstone Garrison x2
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Prynn (6)
  • Temporal Research, draw 2 (4)
  • Fading Argonaut (2)
  • Overeager Cadet (2)
  • Nullcraft pings your tech 1 to 4hp
  • Worker (1)

Forgotten Fighter, Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 2 Draw 2 rs Draw 2
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Fading Argonaut (3/3+1armor, fading 3)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Overeager Cadet (3/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Nullcraft (1/1 flying)
  • Prynn (1/3 lvl 1)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 4
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 8

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Overeager Cadet
Neo Plexus
Flagstone Garrison

[details=End of Turn Discard]

[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
Okay, either I’m drawing into 2x Cadets and playing both, keeping myself pretty darn safe, or I’m drawing 1, which means I’ll have 1 next turn, or I’m drawing none, in which case I’m drawing 2 next turn… I think I want Garrisons for next cycle, so that if he blows me up I can tech up? Ideally I just want 1 and a seer, but its a bit of a risky draw then… Seers to hustle in a Plasmo would be cool though! Maybe we’ll save that trick for a little later.

It’s tough that he got both Cadets though I guess he had better guarantees of it? This is tricky for me, I feel like I’m a shoe-in to lose at tech 2 now lol… I guess I should have held onto my Fargo and went for Seers!

Geeze, it’s like this is a mirror match or something!

[details=P1, Turn 4]Note that I made an error last turn, and should have built a Tower instead of Prynn + Research. Fortunately I wasn’t punished for that. Let’s see what I can do with:
Neo Plexus
Temporal Research
Flagstone Garrison
Flagstone Garrison

Tech in 2x Drill Sergeant to have a high concentration of Tech II cards in my deck for next turn. As an alternative, I could delay my Tech II for another turn, and get my Prynn to max band while clearing his board (and leaving me no defenders, but what’s the worst that can happen, Sharks!?)

That line looks like:
7 gold (9)
Worker (8)
Nullcraft (6)
Nullcraft and Cadet kill Fading Argo
Level Prynn to 4 (3)
Prynn kills Cadet
Cadet kills Prynn, mine to L6
Max my Prynn (2)
Banish Nullcraft
Play Neo Plexus as a token blocker (0)

That actually looks better than letting the boards build up, and facing unknown spells from FrozenStorm. If he tries to plant a Tech II, it leaves him only 5-6 gold for defenders, against my attack force of 3/5 Prynn, 3/1 Cadet, Nullcraft, and 3/2 Neo Plexus. He could potentially fade away my Prynn with a Seer, at the cost of triggering her mid-band. In that case, I’ll probably want a Chaos Mirror, and in the alternate case I’d want a Seer, so make those the tech choices.

Tech: Seer, Chaos Mirror
Worker: Temporal Research
7 gold (9)
Worker (8)
Level Prynn to 4 (5)
Nullcraft (3)
Neo Plexus (1)
Nullcraft and Cadet kill Fading Argo (cadet also dies)
Prynn kills your Cadet
2nd Cadet kills your Prynn, mine to L6
Max-band my Prynn (0)
Use 2 runes to banish your Nullcraft
Discard 2, Draw 3, rs, Draw 1.

SQL - Neo Plexus (3/2 +1)

Overeager Cadet (3/1)
L7 Prynn (3/5) [2] {banishing FrozenStorm’s Nullcraft}
Nullcraft (1/1)

Base - 20
Tech I - 4

Battle Suits
8 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 4
Deck: 4
Discard: 0

[details=Next Hand]Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral
Fading Argonaut
Overeager Cadet

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Yea it’s like our decks have the same cards or something…

Player 2, Turn 4

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Overeager Cadet
Neo Plexus
Flagstone Garrison

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (8+1float+1scavenger)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Seer x2
Flagstone Garrison x2
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Onimaru (8)
  • Overeager Cadet (8)
  • Neo Plexus (6)
  • Tech 2 Peace (2)
  • Worker (1)

Flagstone Garrison, Forgotten Fighter, Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 1 Draw 3
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 20
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 SPEC PEACE

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Onimaru (2/3+1armor, lvl 1, ready to die for Flagstone)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Overeager Cadet (3/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout: Neo Plexus (3/2 resist 1)

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Nullcraft being held in the ether by your Prynn

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 3
  • Deck: 0
  • Disc: 5


  • Gold: 1
  • Workers: 9

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Temporal Research
Flagstone Garrison
Time Spiral

[details=End of Turn Discard]
Fading Argonaut
Overeager Cadet

[details=My Thoughts]
As awful as it looks, I think I’m in pretty okay shape! He’ll be very hard pressed to break the tech 2 next turn, which means I’ll be able to go Prynn + Garrison + Research to load the board hopefully! Teching in 2x Seers so I can eliminate his Prynn via fading, Next up will be DS + like Sharks or something in case of emergency. Patrolling plexus in resist just on the off chance he grabbed a Stewardess, I really want to get the Garrison down, plus I don’t want technician and let him manipulate my cycle to remove the OC from draw chances.


[details=Player 1, Turn 5]So, I don’t think I can break the patrol line and the Tech II while building my own:
Attack: 3, 3, 3, 1 = 10
Defense: 4, 2, 2 // 5 = 13
and 4 gold to spend on stuff if I skip my Worker.

Hand:Forgotten Fighter (no targets)
Time Spiral (maybe?)
Fading Argonaut
Overeager Cadet

Prynn hits Oni for 3
Prynn spends her 2 runes to banish "something"
Zane (2 gold left)
Nullcraft kills Oni, Zane to L3
Cadet trades with Neo Plexus
Zane and Neo Plexus break Tech II … Frozen gets to keep Nullcraft and Cadet, and can attack with Zane / Prynn on his turn against my Overeager Cadet + Fading Argo defending (which should be sufficient to keep my Tech II up…

Let’s see, that leaves me with:
L3 Zane (2/2)
Other stuff


Overeager Cadet
No Tech II

Instead of:

L7 Prynn (3/2)
+1 worker
Same Other Stuff

Tech II

So, basically giving back the Nullcraft in exchange for shutting down the Tech II for a turn.

Yeah, I think getting the first Tech II activity is worth it (as long as I’m sure my Tech II will survive - let’s see, 10 gold vs net 1 defender: Zane w/ Sharks could break in, Just Max Zane would let Overeager trade for my Zane (which is fine, his Zane dies to Nullcraft, and I put down a bunch of dudes.

Regardless, grab 2x Drill Sergeant and we can go to town over the next couple of turns, assuming no Sharks in hand (but even then, I would keep Zane + Nullcraft + Neo Plexus + Chaos Mirror to re-break Tech II and re-clear the board.
8 gold (8)
Tech II Peace (4)
Prynn hits Oni, leaving him with 1 hp
Remove last 2 runes to banish your Cadet, letting Prynn die. You get your Nullcraft and Overeager Cadet return to your backfield unharmed.
Zane (2)
Nullcraft kills Oni, Zane to L3
Overeager Cadet trades with your Neo Plexus
My Neo Plexus and Zane break your Tech II
Fading Argo (0)
Overeager Cadet (0)
Discard 2, Draw 4

SQL - Fading Argo (3/3 +1) [3]
Tech - Overeager Cadet (3/2)

Neo Plexus (3/2)
L3 Zane (2/2)
Nullcraft (1/1)

Base - 20
Tech I - 4
Tech II - 5
Spec: Peace

Battle Suits
8 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 4
Deck: 0
Discard: 5

Rude! I for some reason didn’t think Prynn loses a rune to start the turn, and thought you’d have to Time Spiral / Seer to get rid of Prynn… Looks like now we enter the RNG portion of the show!

Player 2, Turn 5

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Temporal Research
Flagstone Garrison
Time Spiral

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (9+1float)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Drill Sergeant, Boot Camp
Seer x2
Flagstone Garrison x2
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Zane + maxband, shove Cadet to lookout (3)
  • Nullcraft kills cadet
  • Zane kills Fading Argonaut and takes 3 damage
  • My Cadet kills your Zane, levels fizzle
  • Tower (0)
  • Rebuild tech 2
  • Skip Worker

Flagstone Garrison, Forgotten Fighter, Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 3 rs Draw 5
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 18
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 SPEC PEACE
  • Tower HP: 4

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader:
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger:
  • :exhaust: Technician:
  • :target: Lookout:

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Nullcraft (1/1)
  • Zane (4/1)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 7
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 9

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Drill Sergeant
Flagstone Garrison
Overeager Cadet
Time Spiral

[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
Stupid Prynn and Zane lol… Oh well, try to equalize the board a bit, my guess is he’ll either get a Garrison machine going or max out Oni… I’m in really big trouble no matter what happens here, but what the hell, I’m grabbing Boot Camp to help get to my Garrison in case I whiff it, and Sarge to get the machine started… I’m in disaster mode here no matter what. I considered maxing Prynn instead, using Time Spiral and leaving behind the bomb of no discard / draw, but that’s not super helpful against this deck, so I’m going to leave Zane behind instead and let him get the kill with Nullcraft. I get tower down to make sure Nullcraft has to trade to get the kill at least…

Well, at least I got a hell of a draw! provided he doesn’t have Sarge in hand, my tech 2 is safe and thus I’ll have my machine fully online next turn!

[details=P1, Turn 6]Hand:
Flagstone Garrison
Flagstone Garrison
Chaos Mirror

Overeager Cadet
Fading Argonaut
Forgotten Fighter
Time Spiral
Overeager Cadet
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant
…plus 2 tech cards

No defense except the Tower. No heros on my side except for Oni, and no Haste outside of DS runes (already maximized) or Oni Spells (not worth it). However, I do have 3 ATK in play, so if I draw a a fast-enough DS, I can re-break the Tech II and all but guarantee a win (or at least break the tower + kill Zane/Nullcraft).

Looks like I just want 2 more 1-drops. That would be 2x Calypso, since I no longer care about Seers, and Calypso has that key 2nd HP.

Tech in 2 cards
8 gold (8)
Garrison (5)
Seer (4), reshuffle 9 cards and draw 1

[details=Cards draw in order, as I continue playing whatever I draw as long as I can]Overeager Cadet
Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant

And that’s all I get. Worker the Chaos Mirror, to play around Detonate[/details]
Overeager Cadet, draw 1
Drill Sergeant (1), draw 1
Worker (0) - Looks like the RNG was kind to you this time!
Nullcraft trades with Nullcraft
Neo Plexus trades with Zane
Discard 2, Draw 4

SQL - Overeager Cadet (3/2 +1)
Tech - Seer (3/1)
Lookout - Drill Sergeant (4/3)

Base - 20
Tech I - 4
Tech II - 5
Spec: Peace
Garrison - 4

Battle Suits
9 workers, 0 gold
Hand: 4
Deck: 2
Discard: 4

I had better RNG than you but I think I’m inherently behind regardless, first to build the peace engine feels like they should likely win!

Player 2, Turn 6

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Drill Sergeant
Flagstone Garrison
Overeager Cadet
Time Spiral
Neo Plexus (DS draw)
Seer (OC Draw)
Temporal Research (Seer Draw)
Overeager Cadet (Seer2 Draw)
Boot Camp (OC2 Draw)

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (9)
  • Tech 2 cards in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Drill Sergeant, Air Hammer
Drill Sergeant, Boot Camp
Seer x2
Flagstone Garrison x2
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Flagstone Garrison (6)
  • Drill Sergeant, draw 1 (3)
  • Overeager Cadet, DS @ 1 rune, draw 1 (3)
  • Seer, DS @ 2 runes, draw 1 (2)
  • Seer, DS @ 3 runes, draw 1 (1)
  • Overeager Cadet, DS @ 4 runes, draw 1 (1)
  • DS moves 1 rune to Cadet Pyle, 2 runes to Cadet Joker
  • Worker Up (0)

Time Spiral, Flagstone Garrison, Forgotten Fighter, Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 3 Draw 2 rs Draw 3
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 18
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 SPEC PEACE
  • Tower HP: 4

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Overeager Cadet Pyle (4/3+1armor from +1/1)
  • :psfist: Elite:
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Seer (3/1)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Seer (3/1)
  • :target: Lookout: Overeager Cadet Joker (5/4 from +2/2 resist 1)

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Flagstone Garrison (4hp)
  • Drill Sergeant (4/4 from +1/1)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 3
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Fading Argonaut
Drill Sergeant
Neo Plexus

[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts]
No idea what to do lol… Being the second one to build an engine I think all but assures that I’ll be losing, but I’m going to at least try to out-pump him! I doubt very much it’ll work but I’m not sure what else to do at this point… I’m going to grab Tech 2 units as I think he’s likely to target my tech 1 or Garrison. Need a backup DS, and an Air Hammer to keep nullcraft out… Idk what I’m doing though!

Yeah, I sacrificed quite a bit to make sure I was the first to start a turn with Tech II Peace in place. Let’s see if I can disrupt you enough here…

[details=P1, Turn 7]Fading Argonaut
Forgotten Fighter
Overeager Cadet
Calypso Vystari

Time Spiral, Calypso

Plexus, Nullcraft, Garrison, DS, +2 tech cards

I have 3 attackers (plus Zane?) vs 4 defenders, so it’s likely that Nullcraft will be my only real Muscle, so I can basically pick one thing to hit. I could grab 2x Boot Camp, which leads to:
9 gold (9)
Oni (7)
2x Calypso + Overeager (5), reshuffle 6 and draw 1 from a cost set of {3; 2; 2; 2; 1; 1} - on average I probably get 1 exhaust out of this. If I hit Nullcraft, I can shoot down the rest of the defenders and kill something, but I could do that anyway, so not a big gain.

Detonate, if drawn relatively quickly, could help push me ahead, so I think I just tech for:

Seer + Detonate and see where that goes.

9 gold (9)
Overeager Cadet (9) [1 rune], draw 1
Move rune to active Cadet, who then trades with your SQL Cadet
2x Calypso Vystari (7), draw 1, reshuffle 7, draw 1. [2 runes]

[details=Draw order from reshuffled deck]1. Neo Plexus (frown)
2. Drill Sergeant
3. Flagstone Garrison (double frown, no Nullcraft for me)

I guess that means Frozen gets a full access turn to do whatever he wants. Let’s hope its not too bad.

Worker my Forgotten Fighter, finally[/details]

Fading Argo (5), draw, [3]
Drill Sergeant (2), draw, [4]
Move a rune to Seer, who trades with Lookout Cadet [3 runes left]
Worker (1)
Distribute runes and patrol as below
Discard 3, Draw 4, rs, Draw 1. Float 1 gold.

SQL - Overeager Cadet (4/3 +1) [1 rune]
Scavenger - Calypso Vystari (3/2)
Tech - Calypso Vystari (3/2)
Lookout - Fading Argo (3/3) [3]

Drill Sergeant (5/4) [1 rune]
Drill Sergeant (5/4) [1 rune]

Base - 20
Tech I - 4
Tech II - 5
Spec: Peace
Garrison - 4

Battle Suits
10 workers, 1 gold
Hand: 5
Deck: 3
Discard: 0

[details=Next Hand]Overeager Cadet
Flagstone Garrison

No nullcraft for you is a tough break, I may yet have a good shot here!

Player 2, Turn 7

P1 Past/Peace/Anarchy vs P2 Past/Peace/Anarchy

[details=Starting Hand]
Fading Argonaut
Drill Sergeant
Neo Plexus
Temporal Research (DS draw)
Boot Camp (Nullc draw)
Air Hammer (Fargo draw)
Overeager Cadet (Neo draw)
Overeager Cadet (Oc1 draw)
Calypso Vystari (OC2 draw)

##Events of Turn:


  • Get Gold (10)
  • Choose to Tech 1 card in

[details=All Teched Cards]
Calypso Vystari
Drill Sergeant, Air Hammer
Drill Sergeant, Boot Camp
Seer x2
Flagstone Garrison x2
Overeager Cadet x2


  • Drill Sergeant Bilco, DS1 aka Hartman @ 2, draw 1 (7)
  • Nullcraft, DS Hartman @ 3, DS Bilco @ 1, draw 1 (5)
  • Fading Argonaut, DS Hartman @ 4, DS Bilco @ 2, draw 1 (3)
  • Neo Plexus, DS Hartman @ 5, DS Bilco @ 3, rs draw 1 (1)
  • Overeager Cadet Pyle, DS Hartman @ 6, DS Bilco @ 4, draw 1 (1)
  • Overeager Cadet Joker, DS Hartman @ 7, DS Bilco @ 5, draw 1 (1)
  • Calypso Vystari, DS Hartman @ 8, DS Bilco @ 6, draw 1 (0)
  • Hartman moves 1 rune to Seer, it trades with your SQL cadet
  • Hartman kills your scavenger Vystari, you get 1g, Hartman takes 3 damage
  • Other seer trades with your Fading Argonaut
  • Hartman moves 3 runes to Nullcraft, it takes down your Flagstone Garrison
  • Move remaining 10 runes as shown in patrol
  • No worker

Time Spiral, Flagstone Garrison, Forgotten Fighter, Hardened Mox, Tinkerer

  • :pspurpleshield: Patrol as below
  • Discard 4 rs Draw 5
  • Tech 2 cards before my next turn

###Board Info:

  • :heart: Base HP: 18
  • Tech1 HP: 5
  • Tech2 HP: 5 SPEC PEACE
  • Tower HP: 4

####In Patrol:

  • :psblueshield: Squad Leader: Overeager Cadet Pyle (5/4+1armor from +2/2)
  • :psfist: Elite: Calypso Vystari (5+1/4 from +2/2)
  • :pspig: Scavenger: Neo Plexus (3/2)
  • :exhaust: Technician: Fading Argonaut (4/4 from +1/1, fade 3)
  • :target: Lookout: Overeager Cadet Joker (5/4 from +2/2 resist 1)

####In Play:

  • Battle Suits
  • Flagstone Garrison (4hp)
  • Drill Sergeant Hartman (4/1 from +1/1 and 3 damage)
  • Drill Sergeant Bilco (6/5 from +2/2)
  • Nullcraft (4/4 from +3/3, flying)

###Economy Info:


  • Hand: 5
  • Deck: 1
  • Disc: 0


  • Gold: 0
  • Workers: 10

[details=End of Turn Hand]
Boot Camp
Air Hammer

[details=End of Turn Discard][spoiler]


[details=My Thoughts][spoiler]
Well, that second sarge was an excellent tech! Air Hammer was a good choice still I think but w/ the tech 0s I’m able to draw into my Cadets guaranteed (even w/ an optional Vystari, just can’t tech 2 right now) and with that, I suddenly look like the favorite to win! 12 gold is barely enough to Rewind and that doesn’t really buy him much other than a stall.

The critical decision this turn is what the nullcraft kills. First check is can we kill base, and the answer is no, short 5 runes for that. So it’s between a DS, tech 1 and Garrison in my eyes. Even if he does have the other garrison floating around, he has to have the 68% that it’s in hand right now. If I kill the tech 1, he’s still able to lay nullcraft and plexus for cycling, maybe Plasmo or Tinkerer too (almost certainly he’s workered Mox, Tinkerer, FF, Time Spiral, and hopefully Plasmo + Garrison!) Shutting down the card draw of Garrison means he has to spend gold on not rune producing stuff to draw enough cards to produce critical amounts of runes. I think I might actually have this!

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This is has been crazy fun, but it’s now time for the EricF special:

11 gold (12)
Play replacement Garrison ($9)
Nullcraft ($7 gold / ¥4 runes)
Seer ($6 / ¥6)
Overeager Cadet ($6 / ¥8)
Having drawn all 3 cards left in my deck, the order doesn’t matter
Neo Plexus ($4 / ¥10)
Seer ($3 / ¥12)
Which draws 2 of the 4 cards destroyed
Fading Argo ($1 / ¥14)
Calypso ($0 / ¥16)
Overeager Cadet ($0 / ¥18)
Drawing the last 2 cards, again regardless of order.
Move all 18 runes to Nullcraft, and destroy your Base in one giant Tech 0 hit!


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Ack you held the other Garrison! I was hoping you would have workered it.

GG WP! I wasn’t sure what the “right” thing to kill was, it seems the Tech1 was perhaps the correct choice… ah well, it was tightly fought (largely due I think to some lucky draws for me, but still a close game).

Best of luck to you in any other matches yet to be played Eric! (are there any, if Marto doesn’t make it back soon?)

If Marto never returns then this was it (just in time for CAWS!). If he does, then I might have to re-match him again.

The right target might have actually been a Drill Sergeant.

It was a tough choice, but I put my chips on you having workered the Garrison and lost. I felt like it was a solid bet, but you’re right that perhaps a DS was the most surefire way to keep lethal stacks away and ensured I had the best odds to get them myself!

Had I killed a DS, what’s the most damage you would’ve done?

I probably would have Detonated your Garrison, hit one of your Sergeants with Nullcraft, and killed 3 things, leaving you with 3 attacks + craft vs 5 patrollers, which is mostly safe.

Or maybe max Prynn, give her 2 extra runes woth Seers, banish Nullcraft and SQL Cadet, and then kill 2 other things, plus Nullcraft one of the Sergeants. That leaves 3 attacks vs. 3 blockers, which isn’t very safe, but maybe there is some variant that’s safer.